Chapter 13 - "Requirements"

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Harry's heart skipped a beat with ever further approach he made. How could he have been so dull? It was a sign. Draco Malfoy was trying his upper best to enter his mind, to manipulate his dreams, and give him hints about their future meeting. There had to be something he wanted to say. Though Malfoy tried to keep his distance, he could feel his presence. He could feel him – touching him, watching him. Harry's obsession grew stronger to the day, and he wanted to know where he was. Where they were. Either Draco became one of the Dark Lord's spies, or something else was going on - something much stronger and more powerful. A bound. A connection. In whatever way possible.

Excitement caused his breathing to become irregular. He could hear the walls moving. Talking to him. Opening a whole other world. Another room. He was standing in the Hall of Hexes. The seventh floor in the left corridor of the Hogwarts castle. Harry closed his eyes, pausing his walk to speak out his desires – screaming them out in his head. Anxious for what would come. Malfoy was dangerous. Many told him so.

The doors opened in front of him once he opened his eyes. The crackling sound of stones grinding and changing position echoed through the halls, leaving Harry almost exposed – if anyone was the approach him soon. As the passage became all clear to go through, he made the smallest steps he could afford, making his way through the portal – allowing the wall to enclose him at once. The room was soundless. He was in the room of hidden things. He couldn't believe his eyes, finding objects he'd never encountered before. Closets, trophies, piles of books reaching up to the ceiling – wobbling to make the passage too dangerous. This castle would always be a majestic place full of secrets. How amazing, finding out different secrets each time. He wanted to stay here for a while. He wanted to go through the boxes stored with statues, kettles, tools. Who knew what was kept hidden here? A shuffling sound caused Harry to turn immediately. Birds flew above his head, creating spirals and layers of dust to move. He coughed, holding his hand in front of his mouth and nose as he narrowed his eyes – his glasses not fully protecting him now. "Malfoy?" he hissed as he arced his back, moving through a path of old mirrors. "Malfoy, I know you're in here. It's why the passage opened itself. Is this what you want?" He gritted his teeth together, holding a statue that was ready to fall down on him. "A game of hide and seek..." Harry sighed, the level of annoyance was raising once more, and he couldn't believe he'd fallen for this. A simple game of mind fuck. How long was this going to take? When would Draco be done with this? With their awkward experience, and whatnot. How could this still linger them two? Sexual adventures were standard once growing up. Probably half of the school encountered homosexual experiences, if it wasn't just for almost all of the girls. But not Hermione. Hermione would never kiss anyone – to Harry's believes.

"There you are," a familiar voice cut through. Harry turned, seeing Draco's reflection in a few of the mirrors. Their eyecontact wasn't secured. In fact, he wasn't even sure whether he was looking at a reflection, an illusion, or a real person. "I thought you fled," Harry commented – lifting his chin almost victoriously. "I knew you were here. You've been trying to get inside my head." Harry flinched at a hand on his shoulder, and threw a glance – meeting Draco's face rather near. "I am proud," Draco replied – his voice light yet somewhat damaged. "It took you long, Potter." His normal attitude showed itself. "I want to know where I'm at," Harry muttered as he followed Draco's movements impatiently. Draco circled around him, a piano started to play in distance, and Harry raised his brow in return. "I am not really in a dating mood, if you don't mind."

"We are at the room of hidden things," Draco continued, as a reply on his former question. He was trying to be a smart ass. "I mean where are we at. What do you want?"

"I want you to think," Draco replied – his eyes fixated on his. The piano took a pause every time he spoke, and a breeze of cold air caused Harry's back to shiver. "Think about?"

Draco's movements stopped. The clacking sound of his shoes echoing stopped. Harry's heartbeat became almost audible through the entire space, and his breathing stopped. "Please, just tell me what you want."

Draco didn't reply. He simply looked at him, his eyes blank and empty. He didn't speak. He simply looked at him. The piano stopped, and shoulders found ease. Was he giving up? Only because Harry refused to understand his pointless plans and riddles?

"I want you to think and believe I am making the right decision." Draco still looked at him, his chest moved smoothly. He seemed calm, and confident. Harry, on the other hand, could hardly breathe – and found it hard to cope with whatever was going on. "What decision?" Harry asked rather confused. He wasn't easily caught off guard, having the history of dealing with great suffering and straitened situations. "This," Draco replied – approaching him full of confidence. 

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