Chapter 28 - Unfinished business

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Harry had nearly forgotten what kind of event they were reaching. The halls were decorated with pumpkins and candlelight, and Nearly Headless Nick was out for a cheer – greeting everyone with such excite he finally managed to be actually scary (He decided to pop up every time you didn't expect, shouting out as if he tried to sell a bunch of cheap flowers on a market). Not always very pleasant – though it did brighten Harry's mood.

Lunch was served at the Great Hall. Every Gryffindor was blessed with a great mood now Harry had managed to capture the Golden Snitch the other day, and Gryffindor caught up with Slytherin – the lions now shining on first place, as it should. Hermione and Ron were sitting now both at another side of Harry, plucking his hair as he ate – imitating weaklings of some animal sort. Harry laughed, being merry for his friends were back – deciding to cut their fluffy bullcrap giving Harry the shivers. Eating pudding, sausages and scrambled eggs, they chattered about the Halloween Ball, how they were planning to go coupled as three – matching outfits (if just for the sake of making Harry feeling better). A last glance got thrown at the Slytherin table. Draco's seat was still empty. Would this chapter be closed at last? Did he vanish out of his life just like that? He didn't know. He decided to avoid all of Draco's nasty little friends ever since he battled Goyle.

"Potions, was it?" Ronald asked as he raised his brows – trying to remember their schedule. "For you two, yes," Hermione stated proudly. "I'll be heading to Herbology. In fact, I'll be heading there right now. Professor Sprout wants to see me."

"Yeah, what about that?" Harry called as Hermione rose from their table. She didn't listen. After a quick peck on Ronald's cheek she left.

"How particular," Harry spoke as he watched her leave. "She used to hate you, and now you two are hooked up. What a world, huh?"

"Yeah," Ron began as he poked the egg yolk on his plate. "About that."


"I'm thinking about breaking up with her."

Harry lowered his fork – confused as hell, knowing they were most dedicated to each other. Especially ever since their faces were stuck together every five minutes.

"You're joking."

"No," Ron continued. "I'm a dork, she's a nerd. We don't mash up."

"Eh, I think you do. A perfect cocktail. You'll become the silly housewife, and she'll have a fine paying job, granting you diamonds and fortune." Ron hit him in the ribs. "Ouch, damnit."

"We're not meant to be with each other, alright? In fact, I found someone else."

Harry raised his brows, shocked by his friends confession. "Oh, okay. I see..." Awkward conversation. "And when are you planning on telling Hermione? You better not break her heart."

"No, no!" Ronald choked with fear of being misunderstood. He continued about his love for her, as a best friend, some sort of sister and whatnot. Harry was meant to listen, but couldn't. His scar started to sting, giving him a tormenting headache, and he got drawn to the Slytherin table as if something was luring after him. Someone was staring at him.

"I'm sorry," Harry muttered throughout Ronald's story, not even listening anymore. "Draco!" He hurried on his feet, bumping against others – ignoring their cursing and calling. "Draco!" His voice was raw, out of control. The blonde locked his eyes, his attitude calm and motionless, until he rose from his seat – turning his back on him as if he wasn't worthy. "Draco wait!"

Harry pushed the obstacles aside blocking his way – the path towards his sly fellow student seeming a lot longer than it should be, and once he was about to reach his destination, he slipped face flat on the hall pavement. Harry was left with a chipped tooth and a bleeding, swollen lip. Trying his best to crawl back up, friends gathered to give him a hand.

"Blimey Harry," Ron sighed as he crouched aside him. He couldn't suppress his laughter. "What were you thinking?"

"Why were you heading for that boy?"

Harry pressed the back of his hand against his lower lip, preventing the blood from spilling – even though it wasn't much.

"It was Malfoy," he stated.


"Unfinished business," Harry muttered. "Leave it."

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