I can't - Chapter 8

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They drove the entire way through the hills with their eyes heavy. Though Ron tried his upper best to impress the blonde, only a couple of giggles managed to escape the girl's throat before she left to meet her friends a few cabins away. Hermione was reading, her eyebrows wrinkled like they were used to whenever she was concentrated – and Ron fell asleep as soon as he neatly planted his head against the window.

The note burned on the inside of his pocket. Should he tell Hermione about this? If just about the note and their meeting at Borgin and Burkes. He batted his eyes, staring down at his roughly patched hands and nails. Hermione lowered her book, lifting one of her eyebrows – curious but judgemental.

"Harry," she began as she leaned over. "Tell me what's wrong. Normally you are not as quiet. I'm worrying about you, alright?"

Harry tried to avoid any eye contact, but knew he couldn't escape from her motherly grip. Besides, she was one of his best friends. He couldn't lie, nor hold back. Yet, he knew he wouldn't be able to speak out the whole truth – knowing he barely knew what it was all about himself.

"It's about Draco. Something happened between us, and I can't stop thinking about it. I don't think I can trust him. I mean, do I ever?"

Hermione raised her brows, surprised but confused – barely knowing what on earth he was talking about. "Eh, wait. What?"

"We had a fight," Harry replied. "For some reason it has been haunting me for months, knowing I'm not like that. But it felt good." He looked at the sloping landscape, trying to keep his mind from trailing off.

"I knew it," Hermione replied – shaking her head. "You've been so aggressive and absent lately. I understand how invigorating this can be... Or well I don't, it's probably a boyish thing, but you..." She clenched her teeth together. "Stop the fighting. Or whatever you are up to. Malfoy is a foul person, we all know that, but that doesn't mean you have to lower yourself to his level. If we are lucky, he'll get suspended one day giving us a reason to have a great party." She chuckled to herself – placing a hand on Harry's knee. "Don't worry about it. If Draco is planning on fighting you again, I know for a fact you will win. Besides, what a surprise. I never knew Draco had it in him."

Harry scoffed softly, finally meeting her eyes again, and granted her a modest, grateful smile. "Me neither," he replied. "It was just a couple of punches. After that I scared him off." Liar.

The people were leaking out rapidly after they arrived at Hogwarts. Trunks and cages clattered against the obstacles around, and heavy chitchatting allowed the day to bloom with life and joy – now everyone was once again united with their friends. Hogwarts would always be there to welcome people home. Though Hermione's suspiciousness almost cost Harry his head, he managed to shake them off – telling them he'd lost something on his way in. Swiftly moving through the counters, afraid he wouldn't be on time, he wriggled himself through the last passing students making their way out – Harry his eyes strongly fixated on every end of his way. As soon as he arrived at the well-known Slytherin area, he took a deep breath before he entered. His heart pounded against his chest – his head spinning and his palms sweaty, afraid for whatever could come.

"Potter," Draco spoke – his voice surprisingly soft. He remained seated, his hands folded together as he sat bend-over. "You came."

Harry softly closed the sliding door, resulting for Draco to swiftly flick his wand so the awnings fell down with a noise – granting them privacy.

"I was curious," Harry replied. He didn't dare to approach him. Though he rarely felt out of space, right now he really couldn't find his comfort zone. What was he doing?

What were they doing? 

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