Burning - Chapter 4

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Funny, how Harry decided to keep his mouth shut once he managed to find his way back to his original destination. Without giving a proper clarification about his messy looks, he simply walked along with his confidential musketeers, buying the stuff they needed for the next week. School was about to start again, and how coincidental for him to meet the one person he'd been trying to avoid for months on his very first day of fixing his school supplies. As if they were meant to meet. Harry couldn't get him out of his head. How forceful and confident Malfoy had been. Something new. Something invigorating. There was something about this boy, something different – and he couldn't quite put his finger on it. Thinking about their encounter, months ago, his lips started to burn – a familiar smell raising some sort of excitement to keep his breath off edge, his heartbeat speeding at the thought of it.

"Harry," Ron cried as he choked in one of his homemade sandwiches – he was on a budget. "You are bleeding!"

Ripped by arms enclosing him, he tried to avoid Hermione's caring treatments – who immediately grabbed an handkerchief to stop Harry from flooding the pavers with blood. "Hands off," Hermione muttered as Harry tried to stop her actions – his thoughts still out of space. "It's just a nosebleed," Harry replied at last – taking the cloth to do the job himself. "Must be the weather," he muttered as he squeezed his eyes to keep the sun from burning his pupils. "Besides, I'm starving."

"I asked you twice," Ron muttered as he stuffed his face with the last bits of crust, "-if you wanted a slice. You didn't respond."

"Sorry," Harry continued as he investigated the shades of blood on the flowery patterned handkerchief. "I was thinking."

"About what?" the others asked at the exact same time. "Excuse me Harry," Hermione cut through as she stepped to the side. "You've been acting strange. What has been going on your mind? Where on earth have you been?"

Though Harry felt eager to tell about his experiences, he knew he simply couldn't. He had to sort it all out himself first, and the last four months didn't really seemed to have enlightened him. And so, Harry decided to lie with a dash of truth – knowing it would raise a certain suspicion, but of a whole other sort. Safely for Harry to continue his thoughts, and perhaps figure things out.

"Borgin and Burkes," he replied as he searched for their eyes. "Lucius is selling something, and I'm keen to find out what it is."

Hermione raised a brow, while Ron seemed to be rather busy checking out something completely else. A girl, giggling with her friends – her long, golden bunch of curls trailing down her back like a fountain of liquid gold.

"Probably just one of his creepy skull collections," Hermione muttered as he tugged Ron by the arm. "Does he have any?" Harry replied as he threw a glance at the golden haired girl. "Surely."

Hermione tugged them two along, planning on going home soon since her belly became to growl for some lunch too. However, a certain curiosity crossed her mind. "Don't mind me asking, Harry. But what's with the strange obsession?"


"Your obsession with the Malfoy's. It's becoming stronger."

"Don't bother. Let's head home. I'm about to pass out."

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