Chapter 38 - Shattered

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No matter the riddles of which the blonde spoke, Harry felt rather good at last. No matter his lingering headache. After he got dressed himself, he took is time to find the showers to freshen up. Cum stained against his body-hair, and no matter the effort it took to get it off, he couldn't help but smirking along the way. The experience was strange and nerve wracking, but all the same he wanted more. He was in love, if not just with his body.

Later that afternoon he found some of his friends sitting in the great hall; reading books and chatting about the ball last night. New couples were formed, and others were broken. Hermione, for example, was sitting all alone – holding in tears while avoiding any eye contact. Harry wanted to visit, give her a hug and ask what happened, but got no opportunity since Ronald came around to spoil it. Hermione cursed, crying her eyes out as she hobbled away – Ron lingering at her feet as he spoke of his apologies.

"What happened this time?" Harry sighed as he dropped down next to Ginny. He didn't mean to offend any.

"They broke up," Luna muttered under her breath, holding Neville's hand; hiding it under the table. Longbottom didn't say much. His cheeks were bright red, and all he could was looking at his golden girl.

"Hah," Harry respond, his mind drifting off. "You're looking good, Longbottom. Feeling okay too?"

Neville shyly smiled, squeezing Lovegood's hand as he leaned closer. "Better than ever."

Harry showed his teeth, happy for those who'd been granted with love – as for he. His body still fed on Malfoy's lips, and he wanted more.

"And you, Ginny? Found a lover?"

"Well, I had a night planned, but he seemed to be occupied." Her voice was harsh.

Harry chuckled, slightly uncomfortable, and gazed around. People were looking at him.


Ginny got up, knocking over her cup of tea. "I saw you with him! Stop playing me!" Her eyes burned with tears, turning Harry's heart heavy.


"Don't, I get it. You took a taste of me, that was all." Ginny grabbed her stuff, rushing on her feet to leave the hall – and Harry had to follow.

"With him?" Luna's voice was high, but optimistic.

"Leave us," Harry muttered as he followed Ginny in a hurry.

He grabbed her arm once reaching a silent corridor, pulling her aside to get her to look at him. "Ginny, what do you mean?" A frown dug into his forehead. His palms were sweaty, and his stomach turned as she gasped for breath.

"I thought you loved me." She cried, drying her tears while yanking her arm.

"I do. Why would you ever doubt that?"

"No, you don't. Not like I love you." She dropped her shoulders, biting her lower lip as she gasped for air. Her body shivered under his touch as he pulled her close into his arms – kissing her temple as he felt it easing her muscles. The two of them kissed, once or twice, and ever since chemistry seemed to have been growing between them. However, ever since the complications with Malfoy grew, their chemistry flew.

"I saw you," Ginny cried in his arms.

"You and Draco. "

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