Chapter 42 - All I want for Christmas is brandy

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Hey lovelies. Sorry for the wait, as usual! I hope I can make it up with y'all with another update, no matter it took me about two to three months! Thanks a lot, everyone, for the support! Don't forget to rate my story, and share it with all the Drarry fans around! I also have a little request... Every time I'm updating, I have immense troubles with finding the perfect fitting gifs. If anyone ever feels like creating some better fitting gifs (or if anyone knows some anonymous gifs like the one above, where you can't really identify Harry or whoever the character is) do not hesitate to send me a message. It would really help me out! I'd love to gather some gifs that suit the story, so I can visualize it more for you guys! Yes, even lightly smutted gifs for the future. *tension* Anyways, done with the talking. Have fun reading <3


The days came and went. Before Harry took any time to prepare for the holidays, it was soon to be Christmas - and the halls were joyfully dressed with decorations. The choir was singing, each and every day right before lunch, practicing in the Great Hall, and the frogs were out to join them; merry, happy, and full of air. Draco came and went, just like time. Though he did not participate in each and every class, he came around more often - if just to show up between the switch to blow Harry a kiss, or to tug him into the mensroom. Harry decided to let it go, his Christmas plans including Draco. There was no way he would manage to keep the blonde at school, and no matter how much he wished he could, he wouldn't be able to ditch on the Weasleys either - for they were always there for him, and way too keen on having him around at Christmas. And the holiday arrived.

The halls were stripped, yet by people. Only a few stayed around; and funny enough Harry appeared to be one of them. The Weasleys decided to go to Romania, on short-term, since Charlie could not make it home this year, and Ronald couldn't decline - wishing to see his bother all the same. Hermione, obviously, immediately got drawn back home - unable to stay with Harry alone, for he would get on her nerves now he'd been seeming so blue, and no matter... Harry did not seem to care as much. Hagrid and some others would stay as well, and the holidays could be a great opportunity to finally get him to some studying. His OWL's were merely floating in thin feathers, and Snape would not appreciate him failing at the defense of dark arts - knowing he'd get stuck with Potter for another bloody year. All the same, owls flew up and on delivering him mail - and like the years before the Christmas tree was to be surrounded by presents again. Two pair of itchy Gryffindor socks - knitted by Ronald's mom (in merely three years he could be dressed in those things from tip to toe) - and plenty of candy, comics, and a photocase with a picture of the three when all was still well.

Though everything warmed his heart, a piece remained cold - for no sign of Draco was given these days. Not an owl, not a present, not a smile before he left. Two days before the school was off was the last time he'd seen the blonde, and that was it. They did not speak ever since. Harry found it difficult to cope with, especially now none of his friends were around. Though drinking liquor with Hagrid was a great way to get his mind off things, having his blonde around would merry the place in an indescribable way. He celebrated Christmas, modest - his books up close, yet untouched - and he got quite a little intoxicated after he sang and danced among the edge of the forbidden forest. He felt sorry for Hagrid. How he lived buried away in his shack, disgraced by many. Harry cried out his love for his taller friend, blessing his retarded features and easy brain - leaving Hagrid astonished on his porch step. Tears were shed, and hugs were given until Hagrid ended up falling asleep - leaning against the door post - and Harry had to manage to keep his feet on the ground. Ignoring the few staff members and students wandering the empty halls of Hogwarts, he stumbled towards the common room - hoping he could snuggle right into bed once he'd arrive.

He was covered in dirt from head to toe, his glasses barely see-through, and once the morning would arrive he would surely be cursed with his first ever hangover. Funny, how Hagrid managed to make Harry an even worse student - and neither of them cared. Truth to be said, his plans got carried quite elsewhere once he reached the nearby corridors of his rooms. Not just because he appeared to be a lot more wasted than he thought he was once leaving Hagrid's shack, but also because a person approached him from the dark - reaching up for his glasses to remove them.

"Lad..." he mumbled reaching out for his possession. "What the hell are you doing-"

"Your glasses are dirty," he got in reply - his heartbeat raising drastically.

"Malfoy," he breathed, a drunk smile covering his peachy face. He looked disastrous. "You came!"

"Yeh," the blonde replied - cleaning the glasses with his shirt. "Now shut it. I am not supposed to be here." The two giggled. Harry took his glasses once they were ready to look through again, and he embraced his friend while his heart bloomed. "I thought you'd forgotten about me."

Draco scoffed, merely offended, and leaned against the wall while looking at his partner in crime.

"You would've surely forgotten about me, if I didn't rescue your drunk ass tonight. What have you been drinking?"

"Brandy," Harry replied - the smug smile impossible to erase from his face. "I was at Hagrid's..."

"Of course you were," the blonde replied in a sigh.

"-oh, and chocolate liquor!"


Draco took Harry's hand, slowly dragging him along while he studied him from tip to toe. "Are you all alone?"


Draco rolled his eyes, glancing up the ceiling while squeezing Harry's sweaty hand. The boy seemed drenched by liquor. "Well," the blonde continued. "That means no one will miss you when I take you tonight."

"Where are we headed?"

"No worries. I want to show you something again."

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