Chapter 50 - Under my skin

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Harry woke up the other morning. Although his head felt heavy, he seemed to be well rested. The bed beside him was empty. No trace of the blonde was left on the disorientated patterned sheets. Harry shook his head, lifting his arms to stretch his sore muscles. He wondered if Draco was still around, planning on fixing his broken heart. There was a lot that didn't bear thinking about. Thinking could hurt his chances, and he wanted to last. Unfortunately the will of the mind always remained stronger – even though many believed the heart was the one to fool, but so would the head. However you wished to approach it, concerns would never leave as easy. They would burn its mark onto your soul, and you would be the one to fight it – if you could. He had Draco under his skin – wiggling and cutting through his flesh like razorblades. It would be easier not to love. But it was too late for that now. He could drown in the presence of the blonde. It resonated to the core of his being, his vocals washing over him like raw honey - thick and sweet. He was sick with the pure delight and obsession over him. As if he'd never loved before.

They had to talk. They had to sit down and talk for hours. No more bullshit. No more lies. Harry couldn't bear to live another minute knowing Draco's feelings could change like the weather on sunny spring day. Harry took a glance behind him, watching the dusty piano that used to make a fine melody a long time ago. It reminded him of the first few encounters with Draco. Sexual encounters. Full of tension and burning desire. It seemed silly to keep his mind busy with business he shouldn't commit to. Would his parents have accepted his sexual preferences? If this was a preference at all? Harry would still not admit to be gay – knowing what went on with the blonde went far beyond just loving or lust. It was like they were drawn to each other. Made to intertwine. Soulmates. Forbidden lovers like the ones in the muggle stories about Romeo and Juliet. He remembered those books lingering around aunt Petunia – wanting more from live than it had to offer, knowing her life would never be as exciting as those of the two forbidden lovers – or her lost, magical sister and (by aunt Petunia's) abandoned child. He could no longer remember the last time he went to the Dudley's. Boy, what would happened if they know about him and Draco. They would go bloody mad.

Harry gathered the strength to get up and go for a walk. Classes no longer bothered him. Attending any of them wouldn't advance his grades, knowing he wouldn't be able to keep a hold of his thoughts. It was time to have the crucial talk. Walking down the halls he realized it was almost impossible to bear the daylight. His eyes were dry and irritated by all the crying – even though everything that happened last night seemed like a dream to him. His bloodshot eyes were the only evidence for the pain in his heart. The explanation of what seemed to have happened last night could be actually very real. Harry had no idea where to search for the blonde. Draco would disappear from time to time with various vivid reason that never seemed to make sense. The only way to track him down was to go down into the dungeons and find a way to contact him or any of his friends.

Harry's legs didn't seem to understand the normal way of walking – his mind suffering from constant disruptions causing him to stop every time in a while. On his way walking past the Great Hall he interfered with various friends – leaving their concerns about Harry's disturbing appearance (tired and dirty). He scattered them away. Nothing seemed to matter. Not to him. No longer.

"Who has seen Draco?" Harry asked as students past by in a rush to get to their class on time. "Draco Malfoy, anyone?"

"Draco?" Seamus responded – full of disbelieve. "He's been gone for months. You got him expelled. Remember?"

Harry shook his head – frowning his brows, unable to comprehend the answer. "No, I don't think so- I... If you see him tell him I'm looking for him, okay?"

Seamus turned his back, shaking his head as he gathered with his mates to talk as they walked away – leaving Harry without a word.  

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