Chapter 34 - Hide out

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Once they managed to shove two simple beds together, they reshaped the pillows and went off on a search for the finest blankets. During this search they didn't speak. In fact, they barely looked at each other. They simply shared a secret smile every one in a while – their cheeks turning red every time one of them caught the other. The silence was well appreciated, and even though they both had the feeling they had to speak to one another, they didn't. Their presence was enough for now, and they'd have plenty of time to talk with each other along the night anyway.

After a minute or ten they were easily settled, yet both sitting at a side of their bed – their backs pointing at each other. Harry rubbed his wrists, summing up his actions, making notes of Draco's actions – if they were handy at all.

"So what now?" he asked eventually, throwing a glance over his shoulder. The blonde stared at his wand, as if he was ready to use it.

"Woh, calm down there cowboy." Harry hopped off the bed – lifting his arms in defence. "Don't tell me you set this all up?"

Draco looked up, frowning as he lowered his wand. He seemed offended. "No." Dropping his wand he kicked it to the side – vanishing beneath another's bed. "Now you prove it, that you're not up to no-good."

Harry placed his wand on the floor, lifting his arms once more before he kicked it away as well – leaving himself defenceless. "Feel any better now?"

Draco gave him a single nod before he dropped his head. He remained defeated.

"Are you okay though?"

Harry got up, deciding to take place next to the blonde – placing his hand down on his knee. "You're never this silent."
The blonde looked up at him, his eyes bloodshot and his lips slightly chapped. He smiled nonetheless, leaning in to brush Harry's hair to the side – finally being able to give a good look to his scar. "You look like a dipshit with that thing on your forehead."

"There you go. Wasn't that hard, now was it."

Draco poked his side, chuckling – this being the actual first time Harry heard an honest chuckle from his ever so lasting enemy.

"I need this," Harry mumbled as he squeezed his knee. "You. We could've been friends forever by now, if they didn't steer you the wrong way."


Harry didn't reply. He simply looked at him, his lips sealed and his hands slightly sweaty. They exchanged looks. Their eyes met each other's, going down to their lips, and looking up again. Harry couldn't breathe. For far too long he'd been looking at his enemy; finding no joy but hate, and now... He felt in love. That thought hit his stomach, and without realizing how close their lips were from touching; he pulled back to wipe his mouth. "I'm sorry." Harry shook his head. "Forgive me. You've been making it hard for me. I cannot withhold myself from asking the same question over and over again, knowing your answer could differ per day."

Draco held his breath – his remaining at the same spot. This time he did not answer.

Harry dropped his head, scoffing to himself as he rubbed his hands together – ready to claim his remark on Draco's silence. But then he kissed him, and Harry allowed. Draco dove on top, nailing Harry down to the bed with a slow and steady pace. He loved every single moment of it. Harry longed to ask for more. No matter Draco seemed nearly started with his actions; Harry couldn't wait to ask for more. And so he did. His hands guided down his hips – grabbing the hems of his cardigan so he managed to pull it upwards, removing it from the blonde's body. Draco hesitated. For a second he seemed to be forgotten of what he was doing, yet recharged straight after – helping him all the same by unbuttoning his blouse from the top; giving Harry the opportunity to get rid of his own. Their bodies met. The buttons of their trousers tangled up as Harry pulled him up close – and their lips burst together into a passionate, longing kiss; a rush of adrenaline and arousal fulfilling their bodies, for there was no more trouble to be afraid of.

"I want you," Harry stuttered – pulling Draco's roots before he pushed up his hips, allowing Draco to get a glimpse of his physical state. Draco buried his face in his neck, biting his skin before he rubbed tight against his trousers; gasping as he closed his eyes.

"I want you to touch me," Draco hissed between his teeth – feeling Harry's hands rushing along the edges of his back. "I want to finally feel you."

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