Chapter 51 - Turning wheel

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Harry was done for that day. No longer could he comprehend the events of today. He seemed to be floating – as if he were in a dream – and he didn't like it one bit. Nothing made sense. Nothing seemed to have a logic explanation. Nothing seemed to work in his advance. He felt silly for looking for Draco. He felt bad for being fooled again. For being made fun of in front of everyone. Maybe he just had to let go. Let go of everything he'd been struggling with.
It was dinner time and Harry decided not to participate. His stomach was empty, yet couldn't rumble. His guts were filled with lies and nerves - spreading through his body to ruin his appetite. It worked. He hadn't eaten since yesterday. He laid on his bed in his dorms, controlling paper kites with his wand as they drew through the room.
"Aren't you a little bit too old for that?"
Harry nearly dropped his wand as he curled up his legs – pulling the sheets tightly around his shoulders. A voice came from the corner, yet no one seemed to be there.
"Malfoy?" Harry stuttered as he turned to the side of his bed – ready to step out and go for a hunt. A hand from behind pulled him back onto the bed, causing Harry to twitch as he huffed in fear.
"Don't worry," the voice said. Harry turned his head, looking for the one to hold him to the bed. The blonde sat down on the other side of the mattress; his shirt partially unbuttoned. "It's just me, alright?"
"What- Why are you here? What are you doing?" Harry breathed, grabbing his head – a sudden headache frying his brain.
"I thought we were going to talk?"
"You aren't here, Draco. It's just in my head. Leave me alone." Harry rubbed his eyes, wanting to leave the bed – yet the sheets got a hold of him.
"What are you talking about?" Draco chuckled under his breath. "Of course I'm here." He placed his hand on Harry's shoulder once more, pulling him closer as he went to lay down himself. "Harry, are you alright?"
Harry turned his head, looking back over his shoulder – staring at the blonde spooning him, holding him close. His breathe felt real and pleasantly warm against the skin in his neck. So did his arms around his waist. How couldn't this be real?
"I'm sorry," Harry exhaled as he closed his eyes. "I am lost. I have no clue what's going on with me."
Draco drew his fingers past Harry's arm, kissing the spots of skin in Harry's neck as he sighed. "Don't worry too much."
Harry opened his eyes again, turning in anger, biting his lip as he pushed the blonde's hands away.
"Fuck you," Harry cursed as he kicked with his feet. "Get off of me."
Draco curled back his arms, frowning his brows as he took some distance – yet without leaving the bed. "Wow, easy there. What's gotten into you?"
"Don't," Harry threatened as he pointed at him. "Don't even start. You're a fucking snake. Your silver tongue will no longer work on me."
Draco's expression blurred into a blank canvas. Nothing was left to be read on the blonde's face. "What are you talking about?"
"I'm done," Harry muttered – trying to keep his face straight with anger, though his lips started to tremble and his eyes began to water. "I'm done with you." He took a big breath before he turned his back to him, pulling the sheets over his head. "I want you to go," he gritted through his teeth – waiting for the weight to leave the bed. Though a silence fell, he could not feel the blonde leave.
"I said GO!" Harry growled as he jumped up, grabbing his wand to point it at the bed. Harry fell to his knees, grabbing the edge of his bed as he cried – knowing no one was there.

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