Chapter 40 - Hanging

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Dinner was served. A mob of space remained empty at the Slytherin's table, and Draco was one of the many missing. No one seemed to bother. The evening was fresh yet polluted by sadness now Ginny sat at the end of the table, her eyes red from crying; and no one bothered to grant Harry another glance, for he was the one who broke the redhead's tender heart. Man, how Harry pleaded for her to keep her lips from spilling Harry's darkest secret. If he could only call it off, and call it a quit. Professor Snape's seat was empty. Harry was yet to go and meet him, nearly ready to be soiled by his word of death – a strict schedule of punishment ready to be send his way. Would Harry ever walk among the walls of Hogwarts, his heart filled with joy instead of fear? To his great regret not. How was he above all coping, now nothing seemed to go as planned? Before finishing – or better said touching – his plate, he took his dismiss and left without saying another word. A dozen of Slytherin students walked in right before he made his exit, and he stumbled upon the knockbacks and elbows he got along the way. While tugging his cardigan he walked along the corridors, hoping to meet Professor Snape halfway – so the actual entrance of his presence wouldn't be as bad. Unfortunately, this wasn't the case, and so he knocked on the professor's office door – secretly wishing for Snape to have taken a break for his own lonely dinner.

The door was opened with a flick from behind – two gigantic yet slim hands pushing him in before he could struggle.

"Potter! Where have you been?" Snape hissed with a toxic tongue. Harry stumbled on his feet, clamping himself to the corners of the counter to keep himself from falling.

"At school, professor," he replied sheepishly as he looked around – progressing what just happened.

"Quiet!" Snape closed the door, pushing Harry onto a stool before he turned to grab some tools. "We had an appointment."

"I know," Harry replied. "Yet you spoke of no specific time, professor."

Snape bit his tongue – leaning onto his desk as he firmly closed his eyes; most likely wishing he could slap the boy across the jaw with a book or two (if not an entire series dictionaries).

"One month," he began slowly, "of detention is what I am giving you for breaking the rules last night. Plus, as many points I can possibly pull from the Griffindor's scoreboard – for you never learn! I'll find you a fine punishment myself, and therefore I'm going to make you regret you came back to school this year. No more contact with Malfoy, for he is my finest student and you make his life even more miserable as it is right now!"

Harry drew his chin, clenching his jaw once he met Snape's eyes. "It is mainly you, it seems. And his father. Don't you tell me what to do!"

~ The door slammed shut. Harry rubbed his left cheek, burning with heat, cursing as he kicked the door.

"You're a fraud, Snape! I know it! I know you're working with him, all the same! Stop pretending. You're a fucking coward!" A certain force swiped him off his feet, causing Harry to land flat on his back – his glasses popping off, disappearing among the shadows of the space between the walls and bookcases stacked in the hall. "Fuck!"

Harry grabbed the back of his head, rubbing it as he tried to get up – his spine trembling now he seemed to have hit a nerve. "Fucking piece of-"

"Here," a soft voice came from behind – reaching out a blurred hand. Harry squeezed his eyes together, unwilling to take accept the helping hand for he couldn't see who was reaching out. His pair of glasses got put back on the bride of his nose; the vivid white picture becoming clear as day at instant.

"Draco," Harry gasped as he took his hand. A noise came from Snape's office, causing Draco to kneel down swiftly – dragging Harry to the side behind the bookcase. His slim index finger pushed against Harry's lips; the touch of the blonde creating a pleasant raise in his heartbeat.

Shut it – Draco mouthed as he tried to keep his lips from curling. Harry nodded deeply, closing his eyes as he waited for the noise to ease down. After a minute or two, everything seemed to be clear again. Carried away in some kind of trance, Harry got pulled away from it once Draco removed his finger; pulling him up to join. "Where have you been?" Harry whispered; eager to kiss him. Draco partially dodged, colleting a kiss on the corner of his mouth with a smile.

"Come. It's too risky here."

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