Chapter 19 - Vanished

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I'm sorry it's so short! I've had a really productive day, but I couldn't leave you guys waiting. I'm also very sorry if it sucks xD


The day came slowly to an end. After ignoring both of his best friends, not even granting them a single look, he scattered through the castle with his head held low. Hurt by the way his dearest friends kept him a secret, he decided to visit Hagrid around tea-time, thinking he could help him off his jealousy. Hargid was most famous for his loneliness, it seemed, and appeared to handle well during most circumstances. Maybe he could ease his pain, if just by serving him a small mug of gin. Hagrid made those mistakes before. Why not again? Though Harry barely liked the taste of alcohol, it took ease of the weight he carried on his shoulders – and it would numb his tastebuds in time anyway. Though his visit was short, and no alcohol came to it, it definitely gave him the capability to vent out his heart, and just talk.

Dinnertime. It took Harry way too long to realize he hadn't seen Malfoy all day, and only as he walked into the great hall – meeting the blond halfway as he tried to escape in a hurry – he came to the realisation of missing him. Harry slowed his pass. He wished to talk to him, if just to nag about his absence, but caught something different – resulting for him to stop and stand still. Draco did the exact same, seeing his enemy ahead of him, but seemed too exhausted to give him his usual nasty look. He simply batted his eyes, his face pale by mental destruction, and turned his back on him – taking a second exit to avoid any contact. Harry dropped his tensed shoulders. Disappointment caused his eyes to drop, and he wondered with all he had dear what on earth happened today. For now he felt lost. Though he was meant to eat, his appetite was gone. He felt sick to his stomach knowing something happened with Malfoy. Never did he lose his condescending attitude, until now. Something was wrong, and Harry had to find out.

"Harry!" Hermione called – her judging eyes burning in Harry's back. "Stop this nonsense at once!" He had no clue whether it was about their fight, or him following Malfoy, but he couldn't care. Now his stomach was sick, and his curiosity took all of his attention, he simply went – knowing where to find Malfoy in case of losing. He was lucky once realising Granger didn't follow, and even though the arguments with his best friends, he didn't feel like solving them.

"Malfoy," Harry hissed, rushing after him as he swore he could see him vanishing behind a corner. "Malfoy, wait!" His shoes echoed through the halls. Nearly headless Nick wandered around, his shadow creating a cold vibe around the area, and he wished to talk to Harry – if just to thank him once more for all of his help during their second year (he could never shut up about it).

"My dear Harry Potter," his smile was astoundingly.

"Please not now, Nick." Harry gritted his teeth together, almost stumbling over his own feet, and took the corner sharp. "I'm looking for..."

Draco had vanished.


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