Chapter 48 - Fool

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A little more since I'm suddenly in the mood to cry my eyes out bcause of my own work lol


Harry smiled once more, though it faded as soon as he realized the blonde didn't come any closer. "Can I kiss you?"

Draco bit his lip, staring down his shoes. "I-" he started pensively. He looked up at the ceiling, swallowing away his pride. "I can't do this anymore, Harry. The thought of being pointed at- it..." he took a deep breath, "'s just too much." Draco looked up, walking a little closer to see the confusion in Harry his eyes.

"What?" Harry shook his head, his eyes boiling up with tears. An immediate headache causing a lack of breath. "Why the... What about what we said before? What about fuck everyone else! We are who we are right? What fucking changed! What did I do!?"

Drace turned his back, extending one of his arms - using a finger to secretly wipe a tear way. "It will be easier this way."

"How!?" Harry screamed once throwing his arms in the air. "How is this going to make it any easier? You said you missed me this morning!" His face had turned red with fury. This relationship was toxic. Unbelievable. Made up with lies. As if he'd been fooled for months after months.

"Things have to end, Harry," Draco simply responded, not having the nerve to turn back around. "I don't expect you to understand. I just want you to accept it." Draco gritted his teeth, wiping his runny nose with the him of his blouse - stretching his shoulders to adjust his attitude.

"I-" Harry stammered breathlessly, his eyes begging for Draco to turn and look, "I just don't understand," he responded nonetheless.

"I'm sorry, Harry." Draco turned around at last. No evidence of sadness left on his face to be read. He walked up, lifting his arm to hug him, yet stopped midway. "I have to go. I can't be seen outside. Not after all the things I've been caught for. They will have me expelled."

"Everyone knows already," Harry cut through. "You don't have to do this. It's not going to solve anything."

"Goodnight, Harry..." Draco muttered as he walked passed him.

"No," Harry pled - watching his lover leave into the distance. "No, Draco, please. Don't-" He followed him in despair, trying to reach for him, eager to get a hold of him. "I loved you!" he growled as he dropped his knees into the grass. "I fucking loved you!!!" The veins in his neck bumped as he roared, pulling the weeds from the soil as he wept. "Curse you!" He drew his hands past his face, smearing the tears down his cheeks. "Fuck you..."

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