Is this real - Chapter 6

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He was paralyzed. His body aching – hands investigated his body. Could he care for their talk? Now their lips were connected, and they were all alone. Naked. It was going too fast for his mind to register their doings. Something he couldn't control. Not now the white-haired boy trailed his long, bony fingers down his body like searching through an old archive in the restricted area. "We shouldn't," Harry muttered nevertheless, as soon as he managed to pull back and look him in his blue, zircon eyes.

"But I want to," Draco continued, moving his lips down his jawline to kiss his neck. Harry closed his eyes, the frown increasing on his forehead.

A knocking noise caused Harry's heart to skip a beat, and pull back – resulting his head to bump against the tiled wall behind him. "Yeah?" he tried to start with some volume – though a stutter was noticeable in his raw voice.

"Harry, are you okay? It's past bedtime, and I'd like to freshen up a bit before hopping off to bed." Clearly Hermione's voice. "Are you surely alright?"

Harry scratched the back of his head, hissing by the pain pounding up on a specific area – only now realizing he was totally alone. "Y-yeah," he replied as he turned the shower off at last. "I think I dozed off a little."

It was most clear that Hermione let out an annoyed sigh, resulting for Harry to jump into his bathrobes as quick as possible – stuffing his dry toothbrush between his teeth, hoping to take the attention off his red fluttered cheeks. Funny, how he didn't even realize he put on his glasses the very second he got out of the tub. As if they'd never been gone – because they had not.

"Ron seemed to have a surprise for you," Hermione continued. Only a few seconds after, Harry opened the bathroom door – a damp steam wriggling amongst him. "You clearly need some sleep," she stated, seeing Harry's hollowed eyes. "Now move. I want to get up early tomorrow. We need to do more packing, and there's a possibility..." She sighed. "Just go to bed. Ron is going crazy on his own." Holding Harry's head, she gave him a brief kiss on his forehead – right next to his scar, surprisingly enough giving his pounding head a rest. "Goodnight."

"Hey," Harry muttered as he entered Ron's bedroom. Rubbing his hair dry with a towel, he stared at the spare bed – knowing how much it would please his exhausted body. If Ron could only keep his blabbering short...

"Ew," Ron chuckled as he tossed a comic to the side. "You look like a granny. How long have you been lingering under the shower?"

"Too long," Harry replied moody. "I feel most horrible."

"Ah, well I got something that will surely cheer you up. Look at this." Ron fetched a folded article from under his pillow, and raised his brows by surprise – as if he'd never read it before. "Lucius Malfoy arrested after abusive manners." A smirk formed itself on his face. "Dipshit. He couldn't keep himself from venting his anger on mister Borgin. Apparently their deal is off. Curse him."

Harry sat down on the bed, rubbing his eyes, and threw Ron a quick glance. He would've been impressed, and curious, if it wasn't for his terrible daydream causing his head to spin. "How is Draco?" he asked before he knew it.

"Dunno," Ron replied, shrugging as he stuck his nose closer to the paper. "They suspect Lucius of using the cruciatus curse. I hope they are saving him a room in Azkaban."

"How is mister Borgin?"

"Fine, I guess. Not that I care. He's a creepy bloke."

"I want to leave," Harry muttered as he laid down his head.


"-To Hogwarts."

"Just a few more days, Harry," Ron comforted him, nuzzling himself under his fine sheets. "You're not really talkative, Harry. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Ron," Harry replied, somewhat too harsh. He closed his eyes. Hoping the days would pass.

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