Chapter 14 - Ecstasy

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Harry narrowed his eyes, turning his shoulders maybe forty-five degrees as he lowered his chin – ready to cash a punch. It simply had to be a punch. It should've been his devilish mind, causing him the most unusual figments of all time. But it was no punch.

Draco crushed his lips onto his - his fingers sliding through Harry's hair, eagerly searching for handhold. Harry stumbled, his elbows knocking over several piles of books and vases – clattering all over the floor, echoing through the enlarged room. Though pulling back would be the most reasonable thing to do, Harry didn't. Full surrender he leaned into the blonde's kiss – his chapped lips embracing his, wanting to taste Draco's breath on his tongue. For far too long they had been circling around each other. Their minds and bodies connected from afar. Though nothing seemed to be permitted, Harry couldn't care. Now being alone, buried between a dozen of lost things, he simply couldn't. It seemed like a dream. Their bodies full of ecstasy wrestling as they pulled each other's hair – their tongues entwining as they gasped for breath in between. It seemed like they were running a marathon. As if they were meant to finish within fifteen seconds before anyone would write them out.

Once their kiss made it to an end, they both stumbled back – the backs of their hands brushing along their lips, wiping off each other's saliva. Draco looked at him, his eyes spitting fire – as if Harry was to blame, and he didn't like it. Harry avoided any eye contact. Though their kiss was short but firm, he felt rather ashamed – no matter the sweetness of Draco's lips, and the secret desire for more.

"And?" Draco asked after a snort. Harry bowed his head, unable to speak – for he didn't understand what he was asking for.

"Did I make the right decision?" Draco's eyes were awfully widened – his hair roughly patched to the sides. Harry established himself – leaning onto the dresser to his right, finally able to look at his company. Though the answer would've been unsure to many, Harry knew he made the right decision. It was after all what they most desired - the both of them. Nevertheless Harry didn't answer. Not yet at least. Draco straightened his back, unbuttoning the first few buttons of his cotton white shirt – causing him to almost choke by adrenaline rushing through his bloody veins. "Please," Draco muttered, his throat sore by the filthy air he breathed.

"Perhaps," Harry answered pensively. It seemed as if he had something to prove. Though lovers wasn't the way he would describe them, there was a certain kind of lust – befouling the air, causing their lungs to cramp as they met.

"What are you going for, Malfoy?" He looked at him, his eyes filled with what seemed disappointment. "Is this a twisted way of getting back at me? For whatever I have done to you?"

Draco looked up at him loosening his tie. "Never," he simply replied – wrinkling his nose as he did. "I'm simply trying to understand the flair about you."

"Will we do this again?" Harry muttered without any realization. The blonde looked at him at instance – mesmerized. With great hesitation, he cocked his head – blinking, as if he seemed unsure of whatever to answer. "Yes, I think we will..."

Harry forced himself to stand straight, his eyes locked – reaching for every feature of Draco's body, as if he was afraid he would miss them after tonight. "Should we go back?"

The blonde shrugged. The both of them seemed to be rather defeated. Confused by their gathering. He wanted to understand him, Harry repeated in his head. Whatever that meant.

After a moment of silence, Harry gritted his teeth – wanting to leave, if just to break the dreadful silence causing his head to spin. Their distance was small, causing Harry to bring up desires barely knew of. He had to leave. He couldn't make a fool out of himself now.

"Tell me what you want," Draco muttered – titling his head, his shoulder tensed. He was a lion. Harry cleared his throat, suddenly not as cheeky anymore. "I'm going to bed," he simply replied – his voice as light as air, laced by softness. "It's been most fun," he continued – almost sarcastically. Whatever they were doing, they were doing it wrong.

"We've only just started," Draco called as Harry made his way towards the exit. Harry clenched his jaws, annoyed by his weak encouragement to stay, and shook his head. "Go to bed, Malfoy. You're taking a piss."

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