Chapter 47 - Eight

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I'm so sorry guys, that I took so long to write again. I'm also very sorry it's so short. I have more, but I'm considering on changing it or not. Writing can be a bitch sometimes. Enjoy, my lovely people <3


Today was way more difficult to keep a straight face. Though Harry finally shared some words with Draco after a while, he still couldn't believe how it could've taken so long for them to meet again. Eagerly he waited for the day to end, and dinner to be served at the Great Hall. After stuffing his mouth with mashed potatoes and chicken, he rushed over to the castle grounds once more - hoping to see the blonde before he would arrive at the boathouse were they were meant to meet. The air was nice that evening. Warm, especially for the time of year. No jacket was needed. Though the sun was low, and almost already vanished, the last beams of light felt great on his skin. It felt like being kissed. As if he could taste the bittersweet of future; the postponed love he was meant to find. Harry didn't find a trace of Draco, walking past the tree and the river - keeping an eye out for any Perfects. Would he bail out again? Harry shook off his fears, starting by shaking his head all the way down from his arms to his legs as he exhaled – as if he was about to put up a fight. He would be right on time. Eight was the time they'd agreed on. Draco insisted so himself. However, now the time was there, Harry didn't feel so eager anymore. Why wait for two months to show yourself again? In fact, how was he able to disappear like that – even though they went to the exact same school. They lived there.

Harry bit his lip, watching the boathouse from afar – for a split second reconsidering his actions. Looking at his feet he realized he didn't have much more to lose. He could either be happy or disappointed for going – and if he wouldn't, he would be so all the same. Harry considered this his last call. At one point he would have to continue living his life anyways. Especially since other danger still played with his life like all was just a game. He couldn't allow this to ruin him before all that even worked out. He was chosen, and probably meant to act that way. Harry growled. The thoughts of letting him go stung his heart. If he only didn't have to...

The wood crackled under his boots. Here and there it seemed a little bit slippery, and right before reaching the open entrance Harry almost lost his balance.

"Easy there."

Harry looked up from the floor, smiling once he figured out he came.

"Oh thank fuck, you showed up."

"Afraid that I wouldn't?" Draco stood at the end of the stretched boathouse, - hands in his pockets while leaning against the wooden wall. Harry sighed deeply, chuckling under his breath as he walked closer.
"I- I don't know," Harry stammered, "Maybe a little, yes."

"Well, I'm here."

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