Chapter 54 - Questioning your sanity

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Snape stopped, his eyes widening - his muscles slightly tensing as he sighed inaudibly.

" I want to hear it," Harry continued as he cried, "from you, from professor Dumbledore. For hell I care Lucius Malfoy tells me so." He sniffed and dropped his shoulders. "Anyone... Just tell me the truth?"

Snape looked outside the windows in silence. This lasted for about ten seconds before he finally replied without turning.

"You know the truth."

"I want to hear it from you," Harry insisted as he took a step closer, yet to pick up his wand.

"Follow me," Snape muttered as he started to walk. Harry quickly whipped a tear off his cheek as he fetched his wand: semi-ready to follow the truth.

The both of them ended at the entrance of professor Dumbledore's office without sharing another word. Once their presence was accepted they led themselves in - Snape deciding to linger near the doorway, gesturing Harry to go further in. Professor Dumbledore stood at the pensieve. He held his eyes closed as he slightly leaned over - looking up once Snape had introduced the both of them with his penetrating voice.

"It took you long enough," Dumbledore spoke pensively as he turned around. Snape flicked his wand, preventing anyone else from coming in.

"What is going on?" Harry managed to draw from his lips, his voice broken. It was no longer a question. He demanded an explanation. Or else: a hospital bed. Dumbledore, calm as always, gestured Harry to come closer.

"I would like to show you something."

Harry followed as he parted his lips. Once he arrived at the pensive he looked down at the turbulent blue water from afar. Fear glistened his eyes as he tore his glance away - unwilling to grand his memories another piece of his heart.

"I still remember this," Harry commented breathlessly as he whipped the tears of his cheeks. "I will never stop remembering this." Harry could hear a weak cry. A cry from a boy he hurt so terribly with a spell he should have never used. He scoffed once more as he took his distance. "You are trying to punish me." He looked at the both of them. "Why are you doing this? The both of you..."

Dumbledore's expression merely changed until he looked at Snape. He was still standing in the corner as if he didn't want any part of it.

"Tell me, Harry," Dumbledore started as he folded his hands. "What has been going on lately?"

"I'd ask you the same question," Harry snapped back as he scratched the back of his head.

"You've missed quite a lot of classes. Your roommates have been so kind to inform me that you've been hardly sleeping in your own bed."

"What are you implying?" Harry asked as he threw a quick glance at Snape - as if he wouldn't know anything about it.

"Nothing at all. I am just concerned. They have also told me that if you did sleep in your dorms you would have quite a lot of nightmares." Dumbledore looked down at a piece of parchment. "And you seem to talk in your sleep?"

Harry laughed out of ridicule, shaking his head as he looked at his hands. "I have no idea what this has to do with what I'm coming for."

Dumbledore walked closer and put his hand onto Harry's shoulder as he tried to look him in the eye. He seemed worried.

"Harry," he started, kind as ever. "Dear boy. I know."

Harry looked him in the eye, startled, and did not reply. Snape, in the meantime, turned away as if he wished to mind his own business, and let them be.

"I know about you and Draco."

Harry wished to reply but couldn't. Not at first. He shook his head once more and turned away - freeing himself from his comforting touch.

"This isn't helping," Harry eventually continued as he walked away. His eyes scanned the room as if he'd never seen it before, and he clenched his teeth. "I want to know what's been going on lately." He turned once more to look professor Dumbledore in the eye. "Someone should know. I'm starting to question my sanity."

"Then ask me specifically," Dumbledore responded.

Harry gathered his strength and straightened his back as if he was about to perform an interview. Dumbledore could be the one to know, and he wanted answers.

"Has Draco Malfoy been attending school lately?"

"No," Dumbledore replied in all honesty. "But you have been very aware of that."

Harry exhaled deeply and wiggled his fingers as he stretched his arms down his sides. "Would Draco Malfoy be able to get into Hogwarts if he wanted to?"

"No," Dumbledore replied once more - almost as if he felt guilty.

Harry scoffed nervously and glanced at professor Snape who'd been listening all along and appeared to show a new kind of emotion: pity.

"There must be some way, right?" Harry looked at the both of them in fear. "I mean, you've said it before. With the Voldemort... There must be some-"

"No, Harry," Dumbledore interrupted him calmly.

"Well there must be," Harry panicked. "I saw him! We've met. We've met so many times. I swear, I'm not crazy."

"I know you're not, Harry." Dumbledore took a deep breathe and gestured Snape to come closer. "Severus, please. Could you?"

Severus bowed his head.

"Harry," Dumbledore spoke again. "We have to tell you something."    

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