Chapter 32 - His last chance

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Harry's eyes became awfully small. No matter what he meant to say with that, it got his stomach turning. The taste of his lips remained on his tongue, and though it was venom, he wanted more.

"I never had a choice." Harry looked up at his white haired friend, and remarkably enough; smiled. "You do. You don't have to do this."

Draco turned his back on him, biting the tip of his nails – cursing because his breath became short. "Shut your mouth." Grabbing the roots of his hair, he rushed towards the mirrored window. "You know nothing about me. I have no choice!"


A penetrating voice made both of the boys flinch. Professor Snape stood at the end of the steps, listening – his eyes piercing up through their shadows.


"We're bloody fucked," Harry gasped as he pushed himself back on his feet – his back bumping against the walls.

"Students are not allowed to stray outside the Castle after dark." His eyes became small. "I presumed after all these years you knew," Snape threw a look at Harry, blaming him; "Potter."

"I apolo-"


Draco didn't reply. His sunken eyes stared down at his feet, and he quickly rolled down his sleeves – turning away from the both of them.

"I'm going to escort you both back towards the castle. Tomorrow I want you at my office, Potter."


The door closed. Harry was send upstairs to head towards his tower – however, unguarded. Draco, on the other hand, was guarded by Professor Snape – holding him by his cloak, almost dragging him along the pavers towards his storeroom. Draco sat down on a stool, looking around – becoming awfully small once Snape got settled. Along the way they'd been talking. Draco's eyes were bloodshot. He wasn't just being punished because he sneaked out of school. There was more. He knew.

"It's you who's at stake here! Don't lose sight of your obligations, Malfoy."

Snape's voice was raw and dark. His worries seemed real at last, yet didn't make it any less complicated. Draco shrank, his white hair sticking sleekly against his forehead – his skin cold and clammy. His eyes were burning red. He'd been crying. Snape scoffed, disgusted by his weakness – leaving a terrible taste in his mouth. "You are weak, like your father."

"So are you," Draco sneered before he rubbed his eyes. "You know you're forced to watch my back. Otherwise he'll snap your head right off. You're weak for wanting more. I am the chosen one. Me! And you needed to become second best."

Snape flashed his hand, flattened, veins popping on his forehead – ready to have it crossed Draco's cheek so he'd smack off his stool.

"You'd be nothing without me, boy. Watch your filthy mouth. It's me who saved you."

"Do it," Draco gritted through his teeth, his eyes shooting fire.

Snape cocked his head to kick the sleek hair out of his face, scoffing as he soured his lips.

"Troubled, you are. A fool too." He grabbed Draco by the collar, pulling him off his stool to drag him out of his storeroom. "One more chance, or I will take my measures."

Draco stumbled on his feet, almost landing head first on the ground as he sobbed. 

"Feelings are easily to forget... It'll only take a single flick. Don't you dare to forget that."

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