Chapter 45 - Cake

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First of all. This contains loaads of smut. Second: It sucks balls (literally) and I'm sorry everyone for the extreme wait as usual :( Enjoy though!)


It's funny. No matter how hard you try you never seem to see everything that's going on. Harry would spend hours at night, speculating whether he and Draco would ever end up together, being the couple he wanted to be. Wouldn't it be great if they simply came out together, and made an end to all of this? Harry's thoughts were no longer his own. No longer did he wish to become the greatest wizard so in the end he could kill those that tried to kill him. He wished to become the greatest man. The man Draco would truly fall in love with - blemishing the fear that leaked from his pores; the twitch in his brow and the crack in his grin whenever he pretended to be more than he was. Draco wasn't the only one that wished to be free. Harry dreamed of such life all the same. No matter the fame, feeding him on sober days; he wished he could pass on his scar all the same for he would be granted a normal life.

Harry pressed more kisses around the space above his boxer now, and kept stroking his thighs as some way of comforting.

"This was my idea-"

"Sush," Harry breathed now – trying to rid of Draco his underpants. The blonde tried his best to steady his breathe, and knocked the boy on the ground - allowing him to hop back on his feet again. Trying to catch his trousers, his boxers dropped to his knees by accident - getting confronted with his swollen erection – realizing how easy it had been to wet him up.

"You're a big boy," Harry stated - pushing himself up from the floor with his elbows. Draco bit down his lower lip, seeming as if he felt rather pissed, yet pulled the brunette up by his arm - pushing him forcefully against the desk. His hands moved further down Harry's hips, and with his mouth closed he touched the edges of his own teeth with his tongue - making sure they all were covered with saliva. "Don't talk," he continued after.

Just as Draco began to shake his head, blinking a couple of times as he gazed around – still not daring to look down and face his companion together with his little friend – Harry wrapped his fingers around the thin skin of his friend's erection.

'Harry, you don't have-'

Draco was lost, because before he could even finish his sentence, a large groan got audible, and his back writhed without his permission. Harry had covered up the tip of his penis with his lips, and started to press several kisses on it after smirking for just a second – realizing how priceless Draco's expression had been. He loved his naked body. It looked just like pale, precious porcelain.

'Fuck,' Draco cursed – but not because he didn't liked it. That was after all what it was all about. He liked it way too much than he actually should.

'Don't worry,' Harry repeated again as he pulled back his head for a second – wetting his lips to make it more pleasant, and much easier for himself. Within seconds he took his companion's erection in his mouth again – deeper than he had before – and as he finally started to suck, moving his head slowly up and down, Draco just gave in after another loud grown, and threw his head in his neck by delight. His cheeks fluttered bright red, and loud panting got audible. His hands were sweaty now. His fingertips got pinched against the dark wood of the desk, and his back writhed more at the faster Harry moved.

'Damn,' he groaned. 'Fuck- This... Potter. Yes!'

Harry pulled back slightly questioning now – searching for Draco his eyes as he snorted.

'Don't you like it?' He sounded disappointed. Drunk little shit he was.

Draco threw a glance down at him now, his eyes spitting fire as his entire head got red like a tomato by now – mostly all because of feeling incredibly shy and embarrassed.

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