Chapter 15 - Becoming you

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Harry made his leaving as quick as possible – almost afraid to look back, as if he thought to see it had all been a simple illusion. Though it wasn't even near nighttime yet, he claimed to go to bed anyways. If just to forget about what happened – for good. As both swallowing and breathing became almost impossible, he loosened his tie as well. With swift, tugging moves he pulled his buttons to open his cardigan, and with great hurry he rushed through the halls. He wanted to make his way up to the seventh floor – ready to hop into his dorms and vanish for the night. It was only then, right before meeting the painting on the wall, he saw Hermione and Ron standing to the side. They were kissing. Their lips touching, gasping for breath – hungrily – at every twist they made. Their eagerly grabbed for more, tugging their clothes as they went. Hermione groaned at Ron's touch, a smile tugging her lips as Ron made his way down her neck – characters making their way from their paintings, if just to snatch on ether one of them. It was almost sickening, how Harry stood there watching his best friends making out – he being the third wheel again. Standing there, Harry froze. His stomach twisting by jealousy; seeing the innocent bursting out of them. He wanted that too. He wanted to experience the same harmless, secret lovemaking. He wanted to be a part of it. Hermione, finally opening her eyes as Ron harked his teeth along the skin of her neck, spotted Harry on the stairs. She gasped for breath, unwell by the caught – and Harry stood there.

"Harry," Hermione called – ashamed by the way he found out. Ron couldn't look at him. Without looking he buried his face deep beneath Hermione's curls, kissing her shoulder in disguise. Hermione shook her head, but couldn't stop smiling - no matter the shame. Harry made his way, his breathing irregular as he rushed down the stairs – back towards the sixth floor, determined at last. Feeling betrayed and left out by the way they decided to keep their love a secret, he wished to seek redemption. Rushing back towards that famous hall – the location of the room of requirements – he closed his eyes. He set his thoughts to whatever he wished, and walked.

The sound of stones clattering made him open his eyes. Ready to vanish in one of the rooms, he rolled up his sleeves. Malfoy came out first – whom surely didn't expect to see Harry again.

"Potter," Malfoy stated surprised – a smug smile appearing on his flawless feature. Harry wrinkled his nose – his eyes shooting fire – and pushed Draco back in. "Hands off," Draco hissed – his judging eyes popping out. "I swear I wasn't taking the piss on you."

"Shut the fuck up," Harry muttered as he walked in as well – the doors closing behind them. Harry's breathing sped up, and though Draco's nervous attitude, he remained in a resolute and determined manner.

Walking up to him he took off his cardigan – his eyes locked onto his, as if ready to attack. Draco was trapped - his back now touching the surface of a large object he couldn't identify. Though fear seemed to spill from the blonde's eyes, he seemed to realize what was about to happen. And Draco walked back up to him – his wand held within the sleeve of his blouse. "Don't talk," Harry muttered right before he took his jaws between his hands. Draco gave a brief nod, their eyes slumbering during their approach, and Harry kissed him once more.

After seeing his two best friends together, enjoying exploring each other's bodies; finding joy by each others touch – something simply snapped. Harry could barely afford any joy. His life had been a rollercoaster the very moment his mother gave birth to him – and he needed more than that. He wanted to feel alive. No matter the times he cheated death, no one could compare their lives to his. No one could ever call his youth a childhood. Death lingered inside the palms of his sweaty hands, and all his loved ones were a necessary meant to end.

Brushing his fingers along the hems of Draco's jacket, he pushed it off his shoulders. Draco hesitated, expecting their kisses to go as far as a pair of lips could go, but Harry wanted more. He wanted to investigate the blonde's body, and hark his teeth along his skin. He wanted to feel him; to take him whole, and breathe him. His fingers grasped the blonde his locks, and his lips trailed down to his jawline. Though many words could've been used for the rush that caused his head to spin, bliss came closest. A whirlwind of emotions made his body shiver. And by Merlin's beard, he felt alive at last.

His lips groped down to Malfoy's neck – and at last, he gave in. Draco took his turn now. He twisted his fingers around Harry's blouse – eagerly pulling it off his body as if he disarmed him from a bomb, buttons clattering to the ground like shattered glass. Growling at each other's touch, they moved through the room – one of Draco's hands scanning as they kissed, hoping to find something to lean on. He wanted more, for now he was King, and there was no turning back. "What are we doing?" Malfoy muttered once pushing Harry down onto an old desk. Harry grabbed Draco's collar – looking at him, confused, possessed, careless. "I have no idea." Draco shook his head in return, knowing just as much as he did, and looked at him before kissing him again. It made his heart die, thinking how he would displease his father by these actions; and yet, even though Draco had severe daddy issues, he bit down the boy's lower lip in vain – for all didn't matter anymore. Harry's heart skipped a beat, amazed by the discovery of pleasance, and pulled Draco closer by the very edge of his trousers. Though sexual arousing barely crossed his mind, this seemed to come close. His belly filling with a pleasant kind of sickness resulted him to take over the situation. Pulling the blonde close, his glasses fogging, he buried his face in his neck.

"Lay down and scoot over," Draco muttered in between their kisses. Harry frowned, yet followed his orders, and lay down by the length of the desk – forced to interrupt their kiss. Draco looked at him, hopped on too, lying down next to Harry – their shoulders touching. The ecstasy seemed

"What are you feeling?" Harry muttered – once finding himself at ease.

"I have way too many feelings," Draco replied. Harry shuddered at the cold of the oakwooden desk pressed against his back, and placed one of his arms underneath his head – his feet tapping against the side. "You don't regret it, do you?" Harry wondered as his eyes were locked to the ceiling. Draco smiled, shaking his head – rather uncharacteristic for him.

"Why did you come back?"

"Because I want to get to know you?"

Draco scoffed, hardly believing the crap spilling from his tongue. "Now be real," he basically demanded – wishing for the truth.

"Because I simply want you. No bloody feelings attached."

Draco turned his head, Harry getting his fullest attention. A chemistry swung around like radiowaves, ready to be picked up, and their lips burned by their former make out. Draco pushed himself up – his tie hanging back over his shoulder, his hair ruffled and his blouse tugged. He looked sloppy – for the very first time. Harry looked at him, shameless, as if his confession wasn't strange by a bit.

"You'll be dead, if anyone finds out."

Harry gave him a nod – his arm locking around Malfoy's neck – pulling him closer into a kiss. The night was still young, and hell they weren't ready to leave yet.

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