Chapter 37 - Noon

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Harry woke up the next morning, close to the afternoon. His head was pounding, the alcohol taking its toll by giving him a tremendous hangover – no matter how less he'd drank, for all he could remember. Last night had been long and draining. Many things happened, too comprehensive to remember. Rubbing his eyes, he held another close to his chest. A bare individual, pale like porcelain, lay close against his chest; and damn he was lucky he remember that part of their night. A modest smile curled the inner corners of his mouth, and he buried his nose into the blonde's messy hair. Malfoy woke shortly after, nuzzling close against Harry's chest before he groaned with slight agony in his voice.

"What time is it?"

Harry looked up at the ceiling – only now noticing he'd lost his glasses along the way. "Dunno," he answered, "did you sleep well?"

The blonde took his space to rub his eyes, and pulled the sheets close to his chest – leaving Harry naked aside, his cheeks flushing bright red. "Don't-" he growled as he managed to grab a corner, if just to cover his parts. "I didn't dress."

"I slept fine," the blonde replied, showing off his gums – no longer wielding the innocence of a child. "Did you?"

The brown nodded, shoving his arm under his head. "My head hurts though."

"Doesn't surprise me, really."

Harry chuckled, drawing shaped in the blurry state; representing the ceiling. "Have you seen my glasses?"

Draco shoved over, his hand touching the cold wooden floor beneath their beds, fetching his glasses in a flick.


"I got to go, though," the blonde muttered as he rapidly got up from the mattress – fetching his clothes in haste. "Professor Snape wishes to see me before noon."

"Fuck him. It's long after noon anyways. Stay."

Draco smiled pensively, pulling up his boxers in a rush. "You don't understand."

"I do. I do understand." Harry used his elbows to get up, adjusting his glasses behind his ears. "You're afraid. You're afraid he'll make you leave if you fuck it up once more."

"You want me to leave?"

"No, in no specific way. I want you to stay, here and forever."

"-Then I'll have to go."

Harry gritted his teeth together, pain striking his skull. He hissed. "For fuck's sake, stay."

"See you later, Potter." Draco buttoned up his blouse, and made himself ready to leave – the gate crumbling in view.

"Fuck you. What does that even mean!"

The blonde rushed towards the bed, quickly pecking the brown-haired boy on the lips before he vanished.

Again, nothing he could lean on.

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