Your King - Chapter 9

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Draco looked up at him – his attitude confident, steady but calm. Like he had it all planned out. Harry, on the other hand, balanced on his feet – his heartbeat rising at the sight of his enemy. He took slow steps, his eyes scanning around to see if they were really alone like he told him. He would never be able to trust him. Not while he could think of their past. Draco was a foul, sneaky guy whom only thought about himself.

"What do you want," Harry spoke as he stood just a couple of feet away. "You wished to speak to me."

Draco granted him a brief smile, and shook his head as he repositioned himself on his seat. He was well dressed, as usual. Wearing a black suit and shiny shoes – his dark tie neatly tied around his neck. His blouse all buttoned up. "Well spotted," Draco replied as he rubbed his fine hands together. "Tell me how you have been doing."

Harry cocked his head, frowning deeply. Was he asked to come for a silly chitchat? Like he could care. His wand hidden in the sleeve of his jumper, he wrinkled its hem between his fingers – nervous, no matter the circumstances.

"Seriously?" he replied suspiciously. "Just tell me what you are up to. I've got things to do, alright?"

Draco finally moved his ass, getting up at last, and approached him. Their eyes meeting along the way. "Friendly approaching is not appreciated, I see..." He wetted his lips and shook his head, tightening his blazer around his body. "I wanted to talk about the upcoming school year. I expect no nonsense?"

Harry scuffed. "No nonsense? You are the girl here. Your childish behaviour is well known between the halls of Hogwarts. I expected you to ruin us, if that's what you're afraid of. My lips are sealed." He still didn't have the guts to ask for an explanation of what happened that day.

"You are the one trying to shine your ass of in the spotlights," Draco replied airy.

"Well, you're a prick," Harry snapped as he turned his back on him. "Besides, I didn't ask for any of this."

Draco wrinkled his nose by annoyance. "Of course you didn't," he mocked. "The famous Potter. A legend. And for what?"

"You seem jealous," Harry replied – his eyebrows raising. He could enjoy this.

"Fuck off," Draco scowled – his fist hitting the wooden wall behind him. "I'm so fucking done with your bullshit. Why you? You aren't special. Yes, you survived, but in return you allowed your friends to die. That's not legendary. It's fucking selfish, and I'm done with the praising."

Harry batted his eyes, avoiding any eye contact, and gritted his teeth as Draco's judgemental attitude fulfilled him. "Well maybe you should quit the wining and do something about it." Harry clenched his fists, ready to give him a punch, and approached him slowly – his nose ready to touch his. Their breaths stuck onto each other, but nothing happened yet. "Make my day," he continued. "You weak piece of shit."

"It's your burden," Draco replied surprisingly clam – though his teeth were on edge. "I simply hope they'll see what kind of fraud you are."

Draco brushed his fingers down his chin, and took his black briefcase – ready to leave the train, knowing this had been a bad idea. He quickly loosened the tie, shame taking over him, and took his first step to leave. "Get your balls out off your ass, Potter."

Harry gritted his teeth, his lips turning into a sour line, and before Draco managed to pass his arm length, he gave him a push – causing Draco to topple over and drop his case in vain.

"Let's deal with this," Harry breathed as he allowed his wand to slide down his sleeve into his hand. He quickly pointed at him, biting his tongue to keep himself from exploding. "Get up," he demanded. "Get up and grab your wand."

Draco pushed himself off the ground, his tie hanging on his shoulder, and his hair messed up. "Fine," Draco barked as he took his wand. He took a deep breath, pointing out at his enemy, and readied himself to give it a go. However, Harry decided to ignore the rules, and cursed out a spell giving Draco no opportunity to defensive himself.


Harry stretched out his arm, catching Draco's wand as his enemy clattered against the walls and floor. "Not so sharp, are you?"

Draco moaned as he struggled to get up. "I'm bleeding," he squeaked as he wiped his palm along his brow. "Argh, I'm fucking bleeding." He hissed and cursed under his breath, leaving Harry in shock as their eyes met. Why was he acting so horrid?

He slowly walked up to his blonde, crouching in front of him – ready to give him a hand. "Just stay out of my way, alright?"

Draco didn't reply. He could only look at him, full of hatred as the red substance ran down his cheekbone.

"I'll be your King," Draco simply replied, a smug smile crossing his lips.

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