Chapter 46 - I wish you were...

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That night the boys slept in the room of requirements as per use. In fact, the boys were meeting up every following night for at least a week or two straight until each and everyone had gotten back from their holiday - so it was no longer safe. Suspicion grew quick between the halls of Hogwarts, no matter how the acts within the castle were a mystery to many all the same. Ronald took great care of keeping an eye on the brunette, and though Hermione could barely stay in the same room with him for longer than an hour, she tried to do so all the same. As if someone told them to. Harry claimed to be clueless about the acts they'd been suspecting him of, yet he feared they already knew. Ginny wouldn't look him in the eye. Even after two weeks of being apart, she kept her distance as if he was a criminal. Could she have told? Would she have told? As soon as every student arrived back at school, it appeared Draco had disappeared again. Like a ghost, he vanished behind the walls, and his touch remained nothing but a pleasant memory. Though the two didn't have many classes left together, he didn't seem to meet him around. Only every now and then Harry claimed to see him walking around in the corridors, heading down to the dungeons to get to the Slytherin's common room. Harry wished to call after him whenever he caught his eye, yet feared he couldn't for many suspected too much already.

For weeks they didn't speak at all, and it seemed as if everything had turned back to normal. Harry was following his classes. Hermione and Ron were able to sit in the same room again - and actually share a word or two - and Ginny found herself a new boy to keep her eyes to. Quidditch practice would be starting again soon. A great distraction to keep Harry's mind of the heartache - for he felt let down once more. Luckily, as time passed, he'd managed to keep a straight face. No more questions about his feelings, or the blonde he'd been chasing for months. It was like everything had been forgotten. And how? Two weeks break was all it took, and the rays of spring sunlight sneaking up from the top of the hills - brightening up the faces of each and every defeated student looking for more than the time of year had to offer. It wasn't till the end of February for the two to interfere once more - stumbling upon each other during a walk on the castle grounds. Harry had been gathering supplies for the upcoming quidditch practice, and on his way back stumbled upon the blonde sitting in a tree.

"Aren't you a little bit too old for that?" Harry raised his hand to cover his eyes - the sunlight forcing him to frown. Draco laughed in silence - the cap of his robe covering his forehead as if he didn't wish to be seen.

"Didn't think you would spot me."

"Well, I saw someone sitting from miles away." Harry smiled painfully. "Didn't think it was you at first though."

"Good." The blonde took his time to scan the grounds, see if there would be anyone around to bother, so he could jump out next. A groan escaped his lips as his heels hit the grass.

"You play it well," Harry mumbled as he hopped from heel to heel - feeling somewhat uncomfortable.

"What do you mean?"

Harry scoffed softly, looking away as if he tried to find the words. "We haven't been talking for almost a month or two."

"I didn't want to raise any suspicion."

"As if this wouldn't," Harry fired back.

The blonde lowered his cap - revealing his icy hair - and looked up at him, guilty. "I'm sorry. I didn't want to do this." Though he kept a fine distance, he reached out for his hand from under his long robe sleeves - grabbing Harry's index finger with his pinky. Harry's expression immediately softened, and he batted his eyes - blushing as a smile appeared.

"I thought you got tired of me."

"Tire of me if you wish, but I will not tire of you."

Harry couldn't stop smiling and stepped in - waiting for a few seconds - until he greedily wrapped his arms around Draco's neck, pulling him close for a hug. His eyes boiled with tears as they dangled away into the shadows of the tree - burying their faces in each others neck.

"I miss you," Harry cried under his breath - sniffling against the collar of Draco's shirt.

"I miss you too," Draco replied with a breath, tightening his arms around the boy's body. "Everything will be better in time."

Harry chuckled under his breath - snorting as he wiped a tear away. Shaking his head in vain. "How? How are we going to get through this?"

Draco pulled back, looking at Harry - loosening his grip. "We will figure something out."

Harry bit the inside of his lip, shaking his head - his eyes hurting. Flinching once he saw a group of students walking closer from a distance. Draco turned his head - only a bit - to get a glimpse from within the corners of his eyes and slowly stepped back as he touched the bark of the tree he'd been lingering in.

Harry held his breath, taking a few steps back - fixing his robes as he watched his lover create a distance.

"Tonight. At the boathouse. At eight?"

Harry quickly nodded - wiping his nose with his sleeve as he walked to the side - another tear drawing down his cheek. "I wish you were a girl."

Draco looked at him for a second, wanting to reply, but tore away his eyes and left - leaving Harry standing near the gate.

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