Chapter 27 - Neglected

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Draco remained out of sight for the following week, and to Harry's suspense he came up with the most ridiculous conclusions possible. He claimed professor Snape hide him, whether to use him for experiments or ingredients. However, this couldn't be true, knowing Draco was his favourite student, and Harry simply became mental.

Everyone was ready to get to their necesarry exams. People were studying, groaning and pouting all over the place, and Harry tried his best to keep his attention stuck on his books – having people pointing at him. He was now famous for being a loner and looking like an anorexic hobo. Funny, how roughly two weeks could make your appearance change so drastically. Hermione hopped by. She was carrying a pile of books, hooked under one arm, and looked down on him worriedly. Harry pretended not to notice her. He wrapped his fingers along the edges of his parchment, and yawned as he read.

"Harry?" Hermione spoke as he hovered above his desk. She searched for eye contact. "You look terrible, are you okay?"

"I'm perfectly fine," Harry replied after he sighed. He threw her a look. "Don't you have to study?"

"You know me," she replied, laughing softly as she sat herself down. "I have everything well planned."

"Well, I'm very pleased to know you've given me five minutes of your time to remind me of how terrible I look." Harry got up, gathering his stuff together – flicking his wand so the textbooks would rise and float towards their given spot. "I'm sorry, I've got to go."

"And why is that?" Hermione rose from her chair. "Why are you acting like this?"

"I've got things to do," Harry replied – raising his brows as if he wished to imply more.

"Such as what, Harry?"

He gritted his teeth, dropping his shoulders – giving in to his own lies. Who was he fooling? He'd been slumbering from time to time. Not even lecture could reach his brains now.

"Please, don't hide yourself from me."

"I'm tired," Harry respond, shaking his head. "I can't eat, I can't sleep. I feel ultimately horrible." He pressed his lips, bowing his head to keep his eyes from watering, "I've done some terrible things, Hermione."

Hermione cocked her head, surprised but worried. She knew how easily he could get into troubles, but doing terrible things, what was that supposed to mean? "Tell me," Hermione gasped as he crossed her arms. Harry bowed his head further down, shaking no. "Tell me Harry."

"-I can't," Harry tried to compete. "It wouldn't only destroy me, but also another. If that person isn't destroyed already."

"This has something to do with Draco's leaving, hasn't it?"

Harry kept his jaws clenched. He didn't want to respond anymore. He'd given too much information already. God, she was good at guessing.

"Harry, you know you're always save with me, as in... I respect your every choice and action. Don't forget that alright?" She placed her hand on his shoulder trying to get him to look at her. Harry met her eyes, nodding gratefully – though a smile was barely shown. "If you're ready on telling me what's bothering you, do it? Alright? I've got to go now. I have an appointment with Professor Sprout. It's about-" She shook her head, her hair shivering to all sides in a hurry. "Never mind, I'll tell you later." She gave him a hug in a rush. "Goodbye Harry!"

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