Chapter 24 - Over

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A squeaking, curious sound left Draco's throat. Blood seemed to fill his lungs, possibly in a rapid rush, and his body trembled – his muscles twitching in pain. Harry looked up at last. In furious rage he performed a spell so dark, he didn't know what kind of influence it could possibly have. Seeing Draco, blood spilling through his clothes, caused him to flinch. Cold sweat ran down his spine, and in utter furry, he fell to his knees in front of him – holding his face to look him in the eye. Draco was becoming cold and losing consciousness. "No!," Harry growled as salty fluid dripped down his chin. "God, no!" As swiftly as he could, he unbuttoned Draco's blouse. Tearing his clothes in a rush, no matter the pain he was causing. Draco cried still, unable to answer any of Harry's actions, no matter the hurt. "Fuck!" Harry cried as he looked at the cuts spilling blood from his weakening body. "Help!" Harry cried, his voice raw and full of despair. "Somebody please help!" Gritting his teeth, he tore his clothes apart, binding Draco's wounds – hoping it would stop the bleeding. "Don't you die on me! Help!" Knowing he was unable to stop the wounds from bleeding, he got up on his feet. Draco's blood stuck to his hands and clothes; making his stomach weak, and he made his leave – running through the bunches of junk spreading his way. Once finding the exit, he slammed the door open – his breath stuck in his throat, his face dripping by cold sweat. "Somebody help!"

Harry drew his wand once more, pointing it at the walls ahead of him, knowing this would be the only way to receive mature attention.


Harry covered his face as chunks of stone clattered through the hall, and he fell to his knees as he heard someone approaching – heels rattling against the cobblestone floor. Harry cried, looking down at his hands in shock – his body shivering by fear. The person approaching him in rapid speed appeared to be Professor Snape, as if he was destined to be seen by the worst teacher at school.

"Potter!" Snape called, a twitch in his voice – he sounded angry. He grabbed Harry by the collar, investigating his face, the blood, enjoying his tears.

"It's not my blood," Harry gasped for breath. "Draco," he stuttered. "He's in there. The room of requirements. Hidden room. He's bleeding. He's dying."

Snape let go of him at instance, giving Harry his lung capacity back for any strange reason. He looked at him, his eyes almost draining Harry's soul as he told him: "Do not tell anyone." He vanished into the room, the secret entrance fading at his entrance, leaving Harry cold and alone on the floor.

Harry got up on his feet as soon as his body allowed him to. Shaking and sobbing, he tried to make his leaving as unnoticeable as possible. Having his hands cleaned by using the inside of his shirt, he closed his vest – covering the half of his face with the hood hanging from it. He was lucky to wear his normal clothes, now it was Friday night. After going down several stairs, ignoring any person he met (though there weren't many) he locked himself up in the girl's lavatory on the first-floor. Moaning Myrtle sang a song, doing her business on the very toilet she died, and barely noticed Harry's presence until he turned on the sink. Crying under his breath, he pulled off his shirt – cleaning his hands to get the copper stains of dried blood off his skin.

"Harry?" Myrtle cried as he appeared from afar. Harry wrinkled his nose, snorting, trying to keep his business to his own.

"Not now Myrtle." His voice was stuffed. "Leave me alone."

"This is my place," she yelped as he approached him – studying his body like she was a kid feeding her eyes in a sweetshop. "That's blood," she marked, pursing her lips to hide a smile.
"Yeah, no shit."

"I like it," she continued. "It looks sexy on you."

"Will you please just fuck off?" Harry threw her an angry look, his eyes red of crying, Myrtle snarled at him, making her way up to sit at a window, brushing her hair with her fingers – sweeping looks at him as Harry washed his face. "You are just like the others," she spoke as he investigated the outside world. "Cruel and-"

"Bye Myrtle. I'm sorry."

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