Chapter 33 - Same old song

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Draco hopped away in a rush once Snape released him from his deadly hands. His back was covered in cold sweat, and if he could, he would've vanished from school right away. He wanted to leave. Leave Hogwarts, leave his family. For a single second he wished to change his life for another's. A muggleborn even. Rubbing his arms he thought of those who touched him there. Harry, sleeping against him that night in the room of requirements. His hands were sweaty, and yet if he could, he would've done it all over again. He was crying. His hair was a mess, and his shirt stuck to his sweaty back – leaving him uncomfortable, cold and itchy. Running down the stone steps to reach the Slytherin common room, he cursed under his breath – pulling the roots of his hair. No matter, as a prayer being heard, someone stood waiting down the entrance – sad and defeated. Small.

"Potter," Draco breathed.

"Tell me what the hell is going on!"

Draco didn't reply. He simply ran up to him, throwing his arms around his neck to pull him into a close hug – his face buried under the hems of Harry's collar, finally willing to cry out and simply not give a shit. Harry stood petrified, his arms extended to the side – gesturing a simple "what the actual fuck" until he gave in to his own cravings and hugged him all the same.

"Incomprehensible, you are."

"Don't you tell me this isn't what you've been wanting all along." Wiping his tears he backed off – his face as sour as it could be, no matter the butterflies blooming up in his stomach.

"Having you, crying in my arms? Not really?"

"Shut up and kiss me."

Draco crushed his lips onto his, his fingers digging deep into the fabric covering his shoulders, and no matter how stupid it could've sound, he deeply wished he could've become him at that very moment. His body shivered under his touch. It seemed all so forced yet felt so right. Harry pulled back eventually, placing his head against his before he closed his eyes and clenched his teeth. His face saddened, his voice now small.

"We should be with one another."

Draco didn't reply. Instead he simply closed his eyes firmly, running his fingers through Harry's hair before he opened his mouth to loudly take a breath.

"I want to sleep with you tonight."

"You can," Harry replied softly, pulling the blonde's roots as he exhaled. "But not in our rooms. We should go to the room of-" He didn't finish, for bad things had happen in the room of requirement, and they both remembered them very well. Backing off he pulled his sleeves, shaking his head as he scratched it. "I'm sorry." Biting his lower lip he took a glance at the Slytherin entrance. "I feel so wrong."

"-Because you are." Draco grabbed his shoulder, his eyes puffy and red. "We are."

"Tell me. What is it you want from me now?"

"I told you." Draco straightened his back. "I want you with me tonight."

Harry stared up bolt. Thinking about their possibilities, he could only think of one. One he did not wish to take – for it carried terrible memories.

"We can't," Harry puffed, chewing the insides of his cheek. "And hell, I'm not going to bring you back to that room."

Draco seemed bland. For all it seemed he couldn't care a single bit about the past. His life was a mess nonetheless. Nearly dying was apparently a part of that. "Come," he muttered as he stuffed his sweaty palms in his pockets. "Follow me, I've got an idea."

Harry decided to follow him. Walking up the stairs all the way to the seventh floor, he had a feeling where they were heading for.

"I'm not going there, not again. Did they fix it?"

"Of course they did. And no, no. Come on, it's just through here."
Harry cursed under his breath, yet allowed Draco to open the gate once more. Once entering – with second thoughts – he squeezed his eyes as they entered a dark, cozy room, torches inflaming once their entrance closed.

"This is the hide out," Harry remarked once he walked further. "I've been here before, once. Don't bother to ask me, I don't remember."

Draco nodded, though he was barely listening.

"What did you think of?"

"Nothing. I just wanted a place to sleep, with you."

Harry's heart skipped a beat, however he remained cautious. "What did Snape tell you?"

"The same old song."



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