You ruined me - Chapter 3

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Draco moved through the room like a predator. Slowly, melancholic, yet stiffly. Like he always did. His nostrils were lifted by mischief. He knew he would soon find something. Something that could gain him pride from his father. A shoulder pat. A good call in their brotherhood. Draco strongly craved for such amazing publicity. He was known as a coward. No one really told him, ever. Not in the order at least. But he knew. It was obvious. Harry bit his lower lip, feeling uncomfortable and creeped by the dirty closet he was in. Draco's steps echoed. Harry swore he could hear him breathing. He was close. Harry blinked. His body ached by the terrible way of traveling, and he was short of breath since there was a lot of dust around. Find me, he thought. He gritted his teeth and dropped his head against the wooden wall behind him. He exhaled deeply. Almost as if he wanted to be caught. And so Draco brushed his fingertips along the outside of the wooden closet - his touch gnawing its way through Harry's brain. A beam of light entered, and the pale face of a dirty boy lighted up. Draco lifted his chin, breathing deeply through his nose - trying his best not to be surprised, or extremely happy and relieved.

"You," he hissed as he threw a quick glance over his shoulder. He grabbed Harry's shoulder to pull him further into light. "How did you get here?"

Harry pursed his lips, narrowing his eyes as if the light was burning him. "Through the chimney. Obvious, isn't it? According to my poor appearance, as you would call it."

"I'd say you look poor anytime. Your hair looks like shit."


Draco narrowed his eyes and grabbed Harry by his neck - scanning him closely, as if he was checking whether he stole some of his cookies and he could find the evidence in the corners of his mouth. "Now, what are you doing here? Think you can spy on me and my father? I think not."

"As if I'd be interested in any of your fruity activities. Shopping for new pyjamas and picture books so your mommy can read you to sleep."

Draco swiftly moved on his heels, pushing Harry with his head against the wall as he drew his wand.

"So easily offended," Harry muttered as he brushed the tip of his tongue along his lips. "I came here by accident. If it makes you feel any better about yourself. I definitely didn't mean to meet you here."

Draco lowered his wand, letting go of Harry's collar, and straightened his back as he threw another glance to the front door.

"I haven't seen you in a while," he muttered as he scratched the back of his head - messing up his white, neatly cut hair. "You've been avoiding me."

"I see no reason why," Harry replied.

"Because of what happened, perhaps? Months ago."

Harry strongly avoided any eye contact. He didn't know why, but it seemed for the best. He could already sense the tension between the two of them. "That was a mistake," Harry muttered. "Only to mock you."

"You ruined me," Draco almost shouted as he clenched his fists. "You made me feel like utter shit!"

"You started it," Harry continued - unimpressed. "I'd say it was some guilty fantasy of yours, and during the heat of the moment you just..." A cheeky grin crossed his lips. "...revealed your inner self."

Someone dropped something. Lucius cursed between his teeth, and Mister Borgin deeply apologized.

"We should talk soon. Privately. And without your cocky bullshit attitude."

Harry smirked and fixed his collar. "Fine by me. I still have to pass through that front door, though. I'm sure you can help me out?"

"No," Draco replied sharply as he turned his back. "Good luck with finding your way back up that chimney, Santa." And he vanished outside, joining his father to make Mister Borgin crap himself.

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