Rogue - Chapter 7

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"We are going home," Harry smiled as he brushed his fingers down Hedwig her feathers. "We are finally going home again." Though Harry's time off was no bad deal, according to the fun things he'd done with his friends, yet Hogwarts was the only place he could really feel like home. Just as he finished stuffing his last belongings in his trunk, he wrinkled his brows – hearing a knocking noise on one of the windows. As he walked on over – pulling the hems of the curtains to open them swiftly – he stood eye to eye with an eagle owl, his shaded feathers reflecting by the fluttering sun. He held tight to a letter, clamped in his beak, and looked judgemental for not opening the window already. Harry looked around, wondering where he came from, and pulled the squeaky hinge to open the window at last. Slowly extending his arm, trying to fetch the letter as slowly as possible, he strained eye contact – seeing the murderous glance on the bird as if it was ready to eat his whole hand as a light snack. Luckily the bird appeared to be completely harmless, and flew off as soon as the parchment clamped between Harry's fingers.

Rogue, it said on the front. Harry wrinkled his nose, trailing backwards as he closed off the window, trying to find his bed with the back of his legs. Ron was downstairs already, and so he was alone. Flipping it, he saw it was sealed with a Malfoy's wax stamp, dark and leaked – as if it was stamped with a rush with just a simple various D scrabbled on the inner corner of the envelope as soon as he snapped it open.

"I need to see speak to you today. Meet me in the train after we arrive a.s.a.p.

Come alone. No bullshitting me.


Harry's teeth clenched together, sweat nearly dripping down his brows as he stared at the badly erased word – still visible. His stomach was twisting, and though a nauseous fulfilled him, the corners of his mouth curled up a little if just for a split seconds. His palms were sweaty, quickly stuffing the envelope deep into his pocket.

Ginny called. She stood on her toes, softly knocking on the solid wood of the door – afraid to interrupt Harry's business. "Harry, we are leaving. Are you ready to go?"

Harry quickly hopped off his bed, grabbing his trunk along with Hedwig sleeping in her cage – trying not to wake her along the way.

"Could you open?" he replied as he dragged his stuff along. Ginny pushed open the door, stepping aside to let him through.

"Excited?" Ginny blushed as she took Hedwig's cage for a help.

"More than ever," Harry smiled, showing off his teeth as he began to move down the stairs.

They arrived quickly at station. Ron, hopping excited on his feet, took the first opportunity of approaching Platform 9¾ and searched down the platform – hoping to find the blonde again. Hermione, on the other hand, remained quite quiet. A modest smile decorated her hidden face, and she held on to Harry's arm as if they were a married couple. However, this was just to get some information plucked out of him. "Feeling any better, now we are finally here again?"

Harry batted his eyes, smiling as they walked over towards the Hogwarts express on a slow pass. "Much," he replied as he threw her a look. "I've missed it. Though I really appreciate the Weasley's hospitality, I think – for now – Hogwarts is the only place I can really call home."

"Understood," Hermione nodded – struggling to get on the train with her luggage balancing on its wheels. Harry gave her a hand. Looking back and forth, he hoped to get a sneak preview of his white-haired enemy, but unfortunate. He wasn't around. Eventually, finding a fine spot next to Ron – who planted his ass next to the girl he'd been stalking for days – he waited for their journey to start. He was nervous. Very nervous.

A rendezvous.

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