Chapter 43 - Locked

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Harry lost track of time. He couldn't remember what time he left Hagrids, and his head didn't seem to stop buzzing soon. Draco pulled him around, like he did before, yet seemed a lot more cautious but aggressive. Not in a way he couldn't handle.

"There we are."

Harry gasped as he threw his heavy body on the nearest chair, and gazed around as he stroked a lock of hair out of his face. "Another death-wish?"

Draco snorted, and pursed his lips concentrated while rushing towards Snape his desk. "Get yourself something to drink."

Harry scoffed, leaning back into the seat while watching the movements of his hands. "Snape doesn't feed. Not with food or drinks. But with the eternal suffering of his students."

The blonde didn't reply on his comment, and just narrowed his eyes, kneeling down in front of the drawer from the desk.

"It must be here somewhere," he muttered as he crouched in front of the drawer. After some pulls he realized it was well locked, and there would be no way to open it unless they owned the key. Snape would be far too intelligent to leave his property easy to theft. No spell in their possession would work. "it's locked."

Harry clenched his teeth as he loosened his tie, opening the first button of his shirt after. He snorted as well. The alcohol was draining his energy. "What are we looking for?" In some large steps he stood next to Draco behind the desk, and sank through his knees as well to look at the drawer just like Draco did.

"Any pick-locking skills?"

Draco shook his head, what made Harry reply with a dissatisfied mumble.

"As if I need such muggle skill. We come around in different ways."

"You are offending me," Harry replied rather dull - a smile crossing nonetheless. "Get up and stand right beside me, I can maybe open it with..." he shoved his hand into his pocket and got out a piece of wire, "this."

Draco smirked and crossed his arms. Not because he believed it would work, but because he thought the upcoming minutes to be rather entertaining.

"Potter, why do you keep a piece of wire in your pocket. Don't tell me you've traded your wand in progress."

Harry rolled with his eyes and shooed him away to push the wire into the lock afterwards. The lock didn't budge. "Took it from the Dragon Barrel Brandy cork. I was feeling nervous."

He took some time, wiggling the wire inside the lock - expecting it to work the same way as it did back when he lived at the Dursleys, yet it didn't. "What do you want that is inside here anyways?" he suddenly asked in slow phase.

Draco chuckled under his breath, looking down at the boy as if he was ridiculing him all along. "Never mind." He walked around the office, grabbing bits of this and that - coming back with a bottle labeled as alcohol.

"I'm not drinking that," Harry immediately refused. One more drop of alcohol and he'd lose it. Draco just smirked, and pretended like he couldn't hear it – pouring in two small flasks, spilling half of it on the ground. It evaporated at instant.

"Draco, no, stop it! He will kill us!"

Harry walked straight up to him, wanting to pull the bottle out of Malfoy's hands. Nevertheless, instead of Draco jumping aside all cheeky, he pressed his lips almost violently upon Harry's, and so before Harry knew it , he gave in. Draco tried to put away the bottle, back on the shelve without looking, but failed and so dropped it on the ground – not caring about the glass clattering among the floor as it broke into thousand pieces. Harry startled for just a second, knowing they would be in great trouble, but grinned once the intoxicated side took over, and accepted the kiss by gently kissing back – folding his hands under the blonde his jawline who pulled him closer.

"Since when did you get so affective?" he mumbled against Draco's lips.

The blonde smirked, and simply shrugged as he pulled back a bit. "Since I finally realize what my real desires are." He smiled. "And I like the drunk you."

A hitch in Harry's voice got audible, and his cheeks turned red immediately. "What did you just say?" He slowly pulled back and stared at him now, seeing how the familiar cheeky, handsome grin appeared on his face.

"Since I finally realize what my real desires are," the blonde repeated cockier.

"What are you implying? What are your real desires?" Harry his voice was soft – showing some weakness of being uncertain about this situation. The drug did not just befoul his breathe or motions, but also his feelings.

"I want you," Draco answered. "Right here, right now."

Another hitch fucked with Harry's voice, and he batted his eyes – not daring to look at Draco now the roles were switched. "I want you too," he replied - his voice raw. "I mean, we need to go Draco." He gasped for air and shook his head. "I don't want to lose you. Not again. And I will once they'll find out we are here."

Draco pulled back his head so he could stare down at Harry's face, and titled his head as this twinkle appeared in his eyes.

"I don't want you to feel like this," he muttered, apparently caring.

"I don't feel like anything," Harry replied. Cold sweat dripped down his back, and every unfamiliar sound caught him off guard. The blonde didn't seem to buy it.

"Let me give you head." His eyes stood serious, but optimistic, and for a second he looked down. Before Harry could even ask what it was, giving some one head, Draco took a breathe to clear him out. "It's a blowjob, to comfort you," he continued.

"A what?" Harry scoffed, shaking his head - ready to throw a comment if Draco did not pull down his guard once more. For a second the blonde went through his knees, as if he was really attempting to give him head any moment, and his fingers fold around the buttons of his pants. As his knees met the solid floor, a soft sigh escaped his throat, and he chortled - barely audible.

"Jeez..- Don't!" Harry called, jumping back while putting his palm against the blonde's head, - as if he though he had to hold him back with force. He more or less calmed down when Malfoy started to laugh and he realized he'd been joking – or at least he hoped so. He didn't laugh himself, though.. For a moment he thought he would end up in one of those particular hallucinations again.

"- Don't ever do that again," Harry sighed, letting go of him. "It's not funny."

Draco chortled softly, and tilted his head amused after he got released from Harry's hand. He smirked. In seconds he got up, and before Harry could protest, he pressed his lips back on his again. Gently he kissed his soft pouted lips while stroking his jaw.

"Don't worry," Draco breathed. "Though I expected you to be less of a wimp."

Harry wanted to throw back another comment, but lost all of his words as soon as he felt the warm adrenaline rushing through his stomach. His voice trembled as he lightly shook his head, and said "I don't."

"Good," the blonde replied softly, moving further down his neck while rubbing the tip of his tongue along his pale skin. A sensitive spot. Harry twitched, and he closed his eyes as he dropped his head in his neck –playing the open card. A moan that escaped his throat unknowingly. And he was caught.

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