Chapter 56 - You

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It wasn't until the next morning that Madam Pomfrey decided to wake Harry up again. After a small rain-check they decided it would be best if Harry'd wake up alone - maybe two friends to accompany him while recovering from his head trauma. Truth to be told, the big crowd was never meant to be there. It just happened for them to sneak in anyway. Hogwarts students truly had their own set of rules lined out when it came to friends. Slughorn came in early this morning, accompanied by professor Sprout telling the nurses he brewed a new wideye potion for Harry's concussion. He, however, claimed for them to use the potion with great care and less expanse - knowing it could do more harm than good if used wrongly. Madam Pomfrey made sure to show her disbelieve, unable to accept Slughorn's concern since she'd been a well-known and respected nurse at Hogwarts for years. Slughorn had simply huffed and waved before he shuffled back towards his office. He cared, but not enough to make a great deal about it.

Ron and Hermione were gathered out of bed that morning. Armed with sweets and presents they sat at the end of the bed, waiting for Madam Pomfrey to do her magic. After a small consumption of the wideye potion Harry gradually opened his eyes - waking in the exact same room as last night, though he had forgotten.

"Where am I?" Harry muttered as he slowly pushed the sheets off his upper body.

"Take it easy," Ron supported him as he shoved a little closer.

"You're at the hospital wing, Harry. You've had a little concussion." Hermione smiled down on him, happy to see him in a better state. He seemed calm now. Secured.

"What happened?" Harry wanted to rub his head but hissed as his shoulder began to sting.

"Your shoulder was a little dislocated since your collarbone broke. But it's all fixed up now, dear boy." Madam Pomfrey tapped the bottle of Skele-grow.

Harry gulped at the nurse with blurry, fishy eyes - unable to comprehend anything she was saying.

"There was an accident." Hermione looked at Ron - he nodded. "No one really know what happened, but we've concluded that you fell from the moving stairs."

Harry raised his brows and relocated his head on his pillow. "The stairs?"

"Yeah," Ron continued. "It's quite a miracle you survived. It appears you've been sleepwalking."

Harry sighed and blinked as he looked up at the ceiling, trying to remember what happened the other night. "How long was I gone?" He tried to remain calm as he pushed himself up - trying to find out what time it was.

"Nearly a week. Mostly because your brain went all fuzzy. You turned out to be a nut."

"Ron!" Hermione hissed between her teeth as she poked him in the stomach.

"A nut?"

"Don't worry about that, Harry. All that matters is that you're awake, and that you're okay."

"-But," Ronald slowly spoke - trying to keep his distance from Hermione's beating hand, "-you are most famous for being 'the boy that fell', now." He chuckled a little. "But don't worry. Fred 'n George have something planned against Malfoy and his rats. If I'm correct they tried some of their puking pastilles on them. At least Crabbe seemed keen to eat them." Someone retched behind them causing Ron to pop up from his chair in joy. "That might be him!"

Harry swore his head was about to explode by all the information dropping in - or it was the wideeye potion being given, again, a bit too much. "Malfoy?" Harry stammered as he grabbed Ron by the arm.

Ron cocked his head and frowned. "Yeah? Draco has been making a fool out of you all week?"

The world stopped spinning.

"I swear, if you are lying I'll be breaking your freaking arm," Harry dug his nails inside Ronald's flesh.

"Bloody hell, Harry!" Ron jerked his arm - shuffling back to Hermione, as if she was any safer to sit next to. "Mild concussion my ass."

Harry sunk back into bed and stared at the ceiling as thousands moments flashed right before his eyes, consuming his soul.

"He's a lunatic," Ron whispered in Hermione's ear before she got up. She scowled at him underneath her breath as he whimpered.

"You should rest, Harry." Hermione hovered above him and brushed through his untidy hair.
"It's good to have you back. We will see you this afternoon?" She squeezed his hand before she hopped back onto her feet and grabbed Ronald by the him of his shirt to tug him along.

It's good to have you back.

Harry held his breath while cold sweat drenched his body.

It's good to have you back.


    To be continued

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