It's complicated - Chapter 10

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 "Blimey Harry," a voice interrupted from behind. Ron stood there, Hermione at his side holding his arm tight. Hagrid tried his best to wiggle his body inside, but couldn't come any further but sticking his head between the entrance.

"Get out of my way," another voice snarled, apparently being Professor Snape's. Hermione pressed her hand against her mouth, trying to keep her breath in, and stepped aside – letting Snape in without another word. Harry was screwed, whatever he'd done. Draco lifted his chin full of triumph, and bared his teeth with joy.

"He couldn't hold it in, the psycho he is."

"Shut it," Professor Snape hissed – slowing his moves. "You," he muttered, his icy glare and bony index-finger pointing at Harry who slowly crawled up from his former position. "Not even a foot planted behind the walls of Hogwarts, and you decide to pick up a fight. You two are coming with me."

"Harry," Hermione whispered as she slowly shook her head. "You silly goose."

"Fine," Harry gritted through his teeth, his fists still clenched.

"Harry, what have you done?" Ron muttered baffled – Hermione still holding onto him.

"It's complicated," he simply replied as Snape pinched his arm and pulled Draco to stand up.

"Great," Snape muttered. "I love complicated..."

Harry couldn't speak anymore, seeing his friends their worry washing over him. Draco simply showed off a smug, faded smile – knowing he was in bare trouble within the hands of his headmaster. Harry, on the other hand, was completely screwed – always being punished by the one person who he hated the most, and vice versa. Draco snatched his wand back, ready to spit out a curse, but got tamed by a slap against the back of his head.

"You are in trouble too," Snape replied, his glare cold and merciless.

"Excuse me?" Draco spilled with his voice high-pitched. "I am the victim here."

"Surely," Snape replied, his pointy nose creating more darkness than any of the window blinds. "You should be punished for your lack of self-defence. Look at yourself. Pathetic you are."

Ron threw a glance at Hermione, barely able to keep his laugh in, and both followed Hagrid who gestured them to come out of the train and follow. Obviously they had to get out now too, and continue their normal business while their other musketeer was being punished a heartless soul.

"Off ye' go," Hagrid muttered as he softly pushed them forward. "He'll be fine ye 'no? Nothin' to worry about-"

Harry and Draco were later put in Professor Snape his office. No cup of tea to ease their nervous tummies, nor a tap on the shoulder – or a warm welcome home. They were sitting next to each other. Draco was obviously offended now his own headmaster decided to keep him here, and Harry seemed to be braindead. He stared ahead of him, his hands lightly folded, as if he was waiting for a train to arrive – or took his time to take a proper shit.

"It's all your fault," Draco muttered as he rubbed his forehead. "It's always your fault."

"I recommend you to shut your mouth-hole. You already ruined my mood."

Funny, how Professor Snape trusted Harry to stay well seated without peaking into any of his personal stuff. Obviously he was bound to keep his hands to himself, knowing Draco Malfoy was the greatest snitch of all time.

"Wait until my father hears about this," Draco spit, his expression turning more sour at the minute. Harry could only sigh, knowing Draco's words were like the same old song.

"You are a coward, you know," Harry muttered – staring at his hand. "I know you feel it."


Harry looked at him, trying his best to swallow – his voice raw and shaky.


Draco's expression softened, only now realizing they were holding hands the entire time – squeezing out their anger, their palms sweaty at their touch.

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