Chapter 36 - Barefoot and broken

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This part contains sirius smut. If you wish to read it, go ahead, if not, skip to the last paragraph of this chapter (first line starts bold lined) to get the "fade into black" idea. Have fun reading, I'm very sorry it sucks, and sorry for the wait lovelies <3 I hope I'll make no one feel uncomfortable!


Their hearts were burning with desire. Draco spoke in solid gold, and his hands felt like the hot summer air. Harry looked up into his eyes, a prey volunteering for his death. Everything seemed to have changed. But who could tell him this would last long? The blonde broke his thoughts by kissing him again, taking off their boxers without a sound. The silence was appreciated, no matter their huffing.

"What are you doing?" Harry asked nonetheless, his palms sweaty; both arousal and fear.

"Shut it," Draco scoffed, rushing his hand through his thick blonde hair. Burying his face in his neck, he trailed down his chest – his hand stroking down his inner thighs; resulting for Harry to keep his eyes tight shut. His cock was throbbing. He was nervous. Draco kissed his abdomen, resting his chin on his stomach for a small moment to look up at him. He sensed his tension.

"One night in one room is all it takes?"

Draco didn't reply. He squeezed his eyes together, pensively, until he grabbed the brown-haired boy's cock; enclosing his lips around it. For ten (eternal lasting) seconds he gave him the impression of what giving head felt like, and Harry moaned in return – his body shivering under the blonde's touch.

"Stop being such a pussy," Draco grinned. "Take it."

Harry grabbed him by the hair, gently but firm, and made him continue before he closed his eyes to relax. "You take it."

Draco dug his nails into his skin, sucking him long and intensely – his tongue flicking gently along his tip; making sure he would feel it in his entire body. Harry groaned, cursing under his breath – his fingers pulling the blonde's roots as the tickles in his stomach grew stronger. Draco knew he wouldn't last for long if he continued. He could taste his pre-cum gradually filling his mouth.

"Fuck," he moaned, arching his back. "M-... Malfoy, I'm..."

Draco stopped abruptly, his cheeks red and his smirk nearly glowing, "-Going to come?"

Harry bit his lower lip, his forehead covered in sweat while his body stuttered. Looking up at his companion, he pulled him up close – crushing his lips firmly onto his, wanting to take him whole. He would no longer wait. His body was covered in sweat, and his muscles were aching by desire. He wanted to have him. He wanted to share his first experiences with his blonde enemy, and he wanted to cover him whole in cum.

Harry grabbed him, holding his solid, warm, throbbing cock – jerking him slowly while he thumbed the tip of his tongue along the edges of his teeth. Draco took over him, grabbing the both of them to make their tips touch – grinding him until they were both close to their very edge.

"Come for me," Draco groaned – their foreheads touching. Harry looked up at him, his eyes merely opened; his body trembling under his touch, his nails digging down into Draco's back. "I will," Harry managed to stuttered as he blew his load – his cum covering the both of them. Draco kissed him, biting down his lower lip until he bled, and he came; their shimmering, porcelain bodies sticking together.

They laid there for about an hour. Silence enclosed them, and they barely touched. They were lying apart in a V-shape, only their temples touching – their fingers an inch from meeting. Harry finally awoke from his slumbering state. He slightly moved his head to the side, looking whether Draco's eyes were already closed or not, and he held his breath. His eyes hurt, as for his head, and he felt awfully close to crying. "I love you," he whispered, closing his own eyes too now. A brief silence followed, and a strange hollowness grew strong in Harry's chest. It was the feeling of being heartbroken. He firmly pressed his eyes close, turning to his other side so he no longer had to look at his enemy, and he pulled the sheets off the ground to cover his lower body.

"I love you too..." came from the other side of the bed after a few minutes of silence. But Harry was already fast asleep...

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