Chapter 26 - Arch

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Again, I'm highly sorry. This chapter sucks more than I thought it would xD I blame the fact that I've been sick for two weeks in a row now. Damn the weird ass weather in the Netherlands.


Harry slept elsewhere that night – no consequences attached. Professor Dumbledore knew. Not of his fight with Draco, but him sleeping elsewhere. He needed to be alone – an unused office being his best pick, giving him the loneliness he desired. And it worked. Once he assured himself of a good night sleep, he woke up at ten. It wasn't planned. Nor could he believe Dumbledore allowed him to – since he was meant to practice for the Quidditch game coming up, and that was about two hours ago.

It seemed like the practice was cut off, knowing everybody was a little of guard for whatever reason possible. Harry had his own, resulting for him to wander around the castle with no particular goal ahead. Harry felt disgusted. His breath seemed sour, and he hadn't been shaving for days. His hollowed eyes gave him the impression he hadn't sleep for days. He wanted to visit Professor Snape. Draco's blood was still on his hands, if not under his nails, and he felt sick thinking about it. It was only later that afternoon he found Snape wondering through the halls of the second floor.


Harry touched the walls, as if he had troubles walking. "Professor?"

Professor Snape seemed to pretend as if he didn't hear it. He stiffly continued his walk, yet a single hesitation seen as Harry cleared his throat and visibly stumbled on his feet. Snape's back raised black and tall from the whitened pavers, his feet invisible as his gigantic cloak followed his movements. It was almost scary. It frightened him, seeing Snape here, and not with Draco – being his favourite caretaker of all time, and in great debt of the Malfoy's community. Harry knew he'd been a death eater, if not still. Harry ran after him, trying to hold on to his swift pass as he tried not to look too eager or desperate. Nevertheless, Snape didn't stop. No matter the sound of Harry's sneakers hitting the stone floor.

"Snape!" Harry called at last, stampeding like an ox. "Stop ignoring me, damnit!" He tugged the Professor's cloak, cursing at him – his head dizzy by angst. Snape kicked his elbow, tugging his cloak loose from Harry's grip; being suddenly cautious and askance.

"You don't have the rights-"

"Shut up," Harry sneered as he arched his back. "What happened to Draco? Tell me!"

Snape presented himself as furious, until Harry spoke of Malfoy's name – easing his anger, exchanging it for suspicion.

"Please," Harry cried – veins popping in his neck. "I'm sorry, Professor. I just need to know."

Snape raised his brows, surprised and thrilled by Harry's eager to know.

"I have no idea what you are talking about."

"What?" Harry breathed. His legs were feeling numb. "Draco? Is he alright?"

"I presume." Snape raised his brows once more, shrugging as he prepared to continue his walk. "What could have possibly happened?"

"I don't know," Harry muttered, watching the professor leave. "I really don't know..."

And Harry was left alone once more with nothing to ease his head. 

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