Chapter 44 - Evidence

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WARNING: SMUT SMUTTY SMUT SMUT SMUT... Oh, and it's terrible

"You getting wet?" Draco teased as he sucked on his skin, leaving a hickey at a perfect spot. His fingers drew along his neck down his collar, unbuttoning another two of his shirt.

"Do I what?" Harry questioned in a light panic. It was hard to keep his sanity now both arousal and intoxication were on.

"Nothing," Draco replied, harking his teeth over his bare skin of his shoulder now. In a second the cloth of his shirt flew through the air. Harry had simply ripped it open, not caring about the buttons clattering all over the floor. Satisfaction took over the blonde as he cocked his head - bearing his teeth in pride. Harry sighed in pleasure, pulling the boy close now he realized the game was on.

"Oh, good, getting impatient there Potter. I see..."

"Oh you should know," Harry smirked.

"Then tell me..."

Malfoy thought it would be pretty fair if he could undo Harry from his shirt as well now, and so did – not caring about the tie remaining on his neck. After all, he still wore his tie as well. They couldn't easily rip that one off from their necks. It would suffocate them.

"This is Snape his office, you know? Don't you think he'll mind if we-"

"Like you actually care," Draco smirked. "He minds everything." Harry couldn't keep himself from smirking too, and buried his lips in Draco his neck as well– sucking his skin softly while making his way down. Draco sank his fingertips into Harry his back, scratching his nails over his skin until red, slightly burning stripes revealed themselves in the shuttering light of the reflecting candles that illuminated at the entrance. Harry clenched his teeth now, trying not to groan as soon as Draco pressed his teeth into the skin of his chest, and he opened his eyes on a crack to gaze at his body – just realizing how hot he looked while wearing his tie but no shirt. He gasped now, sheaving his hand into the back pockets from Draco his pants, and couldn't keep himself from squeezing his ass. A gasp came from Draco's throat, and he threw his head in his neck, not being able to hold back a moan now as soon as Harry started to move the tip of his tongue along his bare chest.

"Fuck," Harry groaned, realizing how his dick began to grow without his permission. It bumped against the cloth of his underpants, and got suppressed along the way – especially as Draco buried his teeth in the skin of his shoulder now. Draco grinned, stroking the tip of his tongue toward his earlobe, not realizing how he was giving him a boner by this. He just meant it as a way of teasing, but apparently, he was very good at it.

"Feeling anything?" Draco was referring to the way Harry squeezed his butt. Nevertheless, Harry caught up the question as something different, and so he squeezed out another grown as he grabbed the back of Draco's head – softly pulling the roots from his hair as he pressed his lower parts against his hips. His back writhed and he couldn't keep his animal-sounding vocals to himself anymore – even though Draco was barely doing anything. Apparently, Harry had some sexual frustrations hiding in his body, or he'd been craving for Draco to do this for way too long already.

"I want to feel you," Harry suddenly squeezed out after some seconds – breathing into the blonde's ear.

Draco widened his eyes, cocking his head, frowning after. It was only then that he finally realized how something bumped against the bare skin of his abdomen.

"You what?"

He gasped from surprise and backed off immediately – colliding with his back against the Professors chair, not being able to keep away a chuckle. Harry had no idea whether to feel offended or not. As he tried to study his breath, he moved his back against the edge of the desk and grabbed the edges of the wood to press him up a bit. He gasped, swallowing away some saliva that piled up in time under his tongue.

"Blimey Potter."

Draco his smirk faded, and he turned out to be more serious now. In seconds he turned, plucking their jackets and ripped shirts from the ground, and snorted as he straightened his back.

"We should go. This isn't working. We can't get into the drawer, and I bet anyone will be here in some minutes. We can't risk that."

Harry clenched his teeth now, again swallowing away some saliva, and crouched down to pick the ripped-off buttons from the ground. "I'm confused," he muttered. "But yes, I suppose,' he continued– nodding as he hid his face by pointing it towards the ground. "We'll come back later some time. Whatever it is that you need."

Draco leaned against the desk, having put on his shirt already though he couldn't close it since it had no buttons left.

"Sounds like a clever plan to me." He bit his lower lip, looking at the boy in silence before he decided to clear him out a bit. "It's evidence."

Harry shoved his hands over the wooden floor now, piling up all the buttons by this, and as soon as he held them all in one hand, he turned – while still crouching – toward the desk, seeing how Draco leaned against the desk basically in front of him. Without getting up, Harry placed the buttons on the desk – not ripping his eyes from the blonde's appearance just yet. It might have looked frightening a bit. Draco frowned, though he still lightly smiled, and tilted his head as he gazed down at Harry now, wondering what he was doing.

"Are you sure you don't want this?"

The frown on Draco's forehead became deeper, and a bit of concern was written on his face now.

"What are you implying? What do you mean?"

Harry moved closer now, still not getting up, and placed his hands on Draco his hips – staring him straight in his gray bright eyes which shown suspicion.

"I can make you forget, Malfoy," he whispered. "I can make you forget everything that's still bothering you, and burns away your last bit of faith."

Draco laughed a bit nervously and clenched his teeth now.

"I still don't-"

Draco couldn't finish his sentence. Harry already placed his lips upon the skin just above his bellybutton, and a stream of warm shivers ran down his spine. His lower lip began to tremble immediately, and he gazed down – almost squeezing his eyes entirely shut by nervousness.

"W-what are you doing? Potter?"

Harry pursed his lips after pressing another kiss on his skin, this time on the exact spot where his bellybutton was located.

"What do you reckon?"

Draco stared in silence and shook his head – showing a slight sense of panic what made Harry question whether to continue or not. He believed changing the roles would turn out for the better. "I don't know," he squeezed out – lying, somewhere.

"Just chill out," Harry whispered – making a trail of kisses down to the edge of the blonde's pants, and boxers since they stuck out above the edge of his pants just a bit. Draco clenched his fingers around the edge of the wooden desk, squeezing his lips together to leave a groan behind – thinking his moans would be worse than the one Harry squeezed out before.

"Potter-" Draco squeezed out. "I don't-" He couldn't finish, again. The first groan got audible as soon as Harry opened the button of Draco's pants, and pressed his lips against the cloth of his boxers – the place where his lower parts were located. Draco immediately squeezed his eyes shut, pressing his nails against the solid wood, and tried to ignore the pleasure.

"I will kill you," he cursed under his breathe. Harry, still drunk as a dog, didn't seem to care much.

"It's okay,' Harry simply whispered. "I want this," he continued – stroking the blonde's thighs after pushing down his pants. "And you've done me before."

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