1: The concert

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"So are you going to The Weeknds' concert?" My friend Taylor runs up to me With a poster in her hand

I'm walking to my last class of the day in college. With only a few months left til graduation, I'm showering and studying at the same time.

"I'm not sure yet." I say

"Well I know a guy who can hook us up with tickets and everything." She shrieks

"You know I have to study." I sigh out

"Oh come on Dakota, when you study whose songs are you listening to?"

"The Weeknds." I smile

"Right! You need a break what do you say please..." she begs

"Fine," I smile as she shakes me with hug

"It'll be great be ready.Saturday, early." And she skips to her last class



beep beep beep

I hit the snooze button and go back to sleep.

Ring ring ring

My phone rings I decline the call

Seconds later Taylor bursts through my bedroom door.

"Didn't I say be up early." Here arms folded

"I was studying late last night. "I say covering my head with my pillow

She snatches my covers and pillows off the bed

"Girl we're going to a, Weeknd concert, get your ass up!" She fist pumps the air

I get up and trudge to the bathroom, she follows me, grabs my tooth brush, and forces it in my mouth. She brushes really fast and then poors water in my mouth. I spit it out and she pushes me in the shower shorts and tank top still on and she turns the shower on.

"Eeeek"I scream

"Hurry I'll pick out your clothes." She leaves

I Peel my clothes off, get back in, washing my hair and body

When I get out she was watching tv and my clothes were on my bed, high waisted shorts, red tank top,and some sandals.

I put them on quickly grab my wallet and everything, leaving a note for my mom and we rush out the door,driving Taylor's car to the concert.

"Got the tickets?" I ask putting on chap stick


"Got money?" I finger comb my hair

"You know." She says in a deep voice"Kota put your phone on the aux chord and play my favorite Weeknd song."

I do and if you haven't notice we are HUGE Weeknd fans and he so fine to me, he can rock the hairstyle. I bet Justin bieber couldn't pull it off or lil Wayne. Could they? I think not.

"How come Eli didn't want to come?" I ask

"He said its gay" She tried to sound Like his deep voice "awe you wanted your boyfriend to come?"

"He's not my boyfriend." I blush looking out the window

She starts to sing

"Go tell your friends about it. I'm the nig talking about popping pills, fucking bitches, living life so trip."

And I start to join her as we pull up in the parking lot a few hundred cars already here.

"When we get up to the doors we have to meet the guy I know to get VIP passes and stuff to meet, The Weeknd." She shrieks

I may not show it but I'm pretty excited to be here too. We buy shirts to throw over our tank tops, then drinks, and head to the Entrance.

"OMG I can't believe this is happening. I'm so excited to meet him."

I nod to happy for words, we give our tickets to the man, gaining us access and get a really good spot close to the stage.

"There's an after party afterwards, wanna go?"

I nod my head, drinking my soda. I take a bunch of pictures with Taylor posting them on snapchat and instagram.

"Only an hour later til the concert starts!" Taylor shrieks

A lot more people started to show up and it was a huge crowd!

My phone starts to vibrate and I answer it,


"Hey baby," his deep voice hummed in my ear giving me tiny tingles

I smile and blush

"Hey Eli." I blush harder

"Hey Eli!" Taylor says

"What you doing babe?" I could barely hear

"Nothing at the concert with Taylor." I say looking around at people setting up the stage

"Right that's right. Well maybe after we could hang." He says and I hear little clicking in the background

"Actually we going to the after party, maybe you can come there and we can hang."

"Thats great baby I'll be there. What time and where ?"

"I'm not sure but Taylor does, text her for info. " I say

"Will do hun. See you then baby girl. " I blush and hang up

"Y'all need to stop playing and just date." Taylor says


An hour later the lights started to dim down and the crowd got loud with screams. And The Weeknd came from the bottom of the stage. Sparks and fire lighting up the stage.


"Ohh and I can't feel my face when I'm with you but I love it, but I love it." He sung beautifully I was kinda crying,he came over to me and Taylor's side of the stage we lift or hands out to get high fives

He slaps everyone's hand, when he came to me,he Held mine, looked at me for a moment and sung:

"And I know she'll be the death of me, at least well both be numb." and kept going on and went to the center of stage

I may sound crazy and he probably does it a lot but...never mind its dumb.

Taylor wiggles her eyebrows at me.

I smile and just shake it off and continue to sing with the crowd and jump.

I'm just over thinking at a silly little hand holding.

I know it's not a lot but the story will get more interesting but also it's only the first chapter keep reading !!!!>>>>> also vote and comment on what you think will happen or what should or if you want to be added in any of my stories!

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