34:loft music

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The Weeknds pov

" I said angel, oh oh oh oh you'll probably never take me back and I know this." I sung with all my heart the whole time thinking of Dakota 

" I hope you find somebody, I hope you find somebody. I hope you find somebody to love,somebody to love." I felt my eyes water just thinking of Dakota with Xavier and I snatched the headphones off and walk out the studio to the bathroom

Seconds later I heard the door open behind me and a hand on my back I turn to see Drake.

"It's about Dakota?" I nod

"Why did you leave her?"

"My manager wanted me to get publicity til my album comes out."

"That's in 4 months! Do you really think that what you did to her 1) she'll take you back 2) wait on you 3) even hear your excuse?"

I stare at him

"She'll move on and I know you don't want that to happen."

I shake my head no.

"You're career won't be jeopardize because your losing fan counts."

"That's easy for you to say" I scoff

"Look let's make another song together and by your concert next week we'll sing it and send tickets to Dakota and work getting back together with her. It's been a while since you fell for someone that was good for you."

"Alright, I do miss her. ALOT." I say "It broke my heart; you should of saw her she was crying and I pushed her, right after we had sex."

"Thats a low, even for you."

"I wanted so bad to grab her and hold her."

"Why didn't you just tell her that your manager wanted you to do this, ya'll could of pretended.'"

"Got to make it seem real."

"I feel like if you really loved her you wouldn't had did that to her."

I turn around and jack him up, I pushed him up against the wall, and snarled.

" I love Dakota! and you know that. I did what I had to do for my career."

He pushes me off him forcefully

" I ain't no punk so don't be jacking me up like one. I'm you're friend and as one I give you advice and my opinions. I'm trying to change for Dashari that girl is my baby and I wouldn't want to hurt like that."

I looked at him for a long time

"Just think before you act, Abel." he said before walking out


Since me and Abel broke up a week ago I feel I should just go on with my life before he came. I started to job search for what i majored in. I was pretty excited to start my training and begin a real career. I did some applications especially for the shelter that I used to go to weekly.

Once I was done doing applications on my computer I shut it off and decided to take a nap, i'm tired physically and emotionally. There was a small knock on my door and I mumble a small "come in"

And walked in the man I didn't want to see, hear, shit even smell.

"What the fuck you want, you have balls." I sit up

"Dakota just hear me out."

"NO! I don't want to hear it." I throw the covers over my head

"Please i'm sorry what happened."

"No, sorry is for taking something that belongs to someone else. Not for a break up." I say

" I know you're hurt-"

"Shut up and get out" I get out of bed and walk to my door opening it for him

" I didn't mean to do this! I love you."

"Abel it's not the same, your words mean nothing to me anymore." I whisper and feel my eyes start to sting from tears

"It was for publicity I swear." he walks up to me

"What?" I frown

"My manager told me to do it to gain publicity, I should of just told you and we'd pretend but I had to make it seem real."

"get out."

" I brought tickets," Abel pulled them out his jacket pocket "for you to come to the concert. There's a surprise for you there. Please come." he held them out for me to take

I stared at them, thinking whether or not to take them. I looked up at him and the memories from that night came back.

"Please leave." my lip trembled

I refused to cry in front of him. He broke my heart after everything we've been through and I don't believe a word he says. This whole thing was a joke for him and I was dumb enough to think he actually loved me.

He came so close to me I could smell him, I kept my head down. saw his shoes and my bare feet parallel to each other. I couldn't breath at his proximity I missed him, I do. His touch,his kisses, everything. I felt his cold hand on my chin and he made me look up at him. He stared into my eyes and at that moment I felt everything would be OK and we could be the same, but never again.

"Do you want me to leave?" his voice hummed

"yes." I inverted my eyes, choked

"you're lying."

"just go."

He kissed my forehead before leaving and I closed the door behind him. I slid down it and hug my knees before crying my eyes out. Why would he come here? To see if I moved on? Or he knew what he did and wanted to see me cry.Why would he lie about the break up? His visit made more confused the ever before.


I just had to see her in person, send them in the mail...HEll no. That would be petty, I wanted to explain myself and maybe clear things up. But I seem to just made them worse.

When she closed her bedroom door, I walked back and heard her muffled cries.

I'm so sorry baby.

"Give her time." Dashari says as I open the door "Is it true?"

" About what?"

"It's for publicity?" she says "because that's understandable."

"Not for her."

"You didn't have to be so rough."

I gave her a blank stare as I thought i've been hurt so much and I took it out on a woman that loved me actually loved me. I really hope she takes me back I cant live without her, it would hurt me more than everything.

"I'm sorry." I whisper before leaving


A.N: do ya'll read my author notes? probably not but I wrote all this in one day at school I just spread it out for time well enjoy.

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