22:the fall

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In the middle of the night I started to get messages and I look to see that they're from Dakota. They are picture messages of us when I was giving her a piggy back ride, one of them I was looking at her and she was smiling, another was when she biting on my ear and I had a smirk on my face, and the last one was when she was frontwards on me and she was holding on tight and she had her head on my shoulder and my hands were wrapped around her  with my eyes close.

How did she get-Taylor that's why she was waving her phone and what they were talking about when I was on the phone. I smile and text back

Me: you look sexy 😏

Missus weeknd: 😊 I could say the same about you, what's your favorite out of the 3

Me: all of them

Missus weeknd: I'm serious you have to pick

Me: the last one 😍

Missus weeknd: I had a feeling

Me: I can't wait to see you 2morrow I miss you

She didn't text back right away, I had a feeling she went to sleep. I put my phone down and sighed watching tv, what is she doing to me?

I think about her every minute of everyday, suddenly my phone started ringing. I answered it,

"Hello," I clear my throat

"No stop," Dakota giggles

"Dakota?" I sit up in the bed

"You said you would come over to talk that's it." She says more sternly

I heard a faint deep voice in the background and I realize that she butt called me.

"I lied." The voice said

There was silence before I hear Dakota moan

What the fuck, that better not be who I think it is.

"No. Stop." She whisper yells "you can't do this anymore."

"You love me Kota and no man can take that from you,not even Abel."

There was a loud smack sound

"You had your chance stop ruining my relationships."


"What are you doing?"

"You're mine."

"Let me go, Xavier."Dakota yells

"Dakota! Dakota!" I yell into the phone

He was going to rape her!

Me yelling into the phone won't do anything. I stop and listen some more.

"I'm not this type of man." Pause "this is what you do to me Kota. I love you."

"Can't say I feel the same." She snorts

That's my girl, I like what she did there.

"You'll be back, and you know where to find me."

There was a long pause

"Get out."

"Bye baby." Pause

"Stop doing that!" And then I heard a sound like a door slam

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