45: rescue you

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"What do you mean she's missing!" I growl at twin

" no one has seen her since the funeral." Dashari freaks out

"Probably just ran off, too overwhelmed." Taylor says rocking her son

"She would have called there's a storm on the way and people hunting us down."

"You mean you." Taylor points a finger at my chest

"What are you saying?" I grit

"You're endangering her! By sticking around."

"I'm not leaving her and I would do everything to protect her!" I spat

"Then where the hell is she now!" Taylor says

"Guys!" Dashari says "look," she sniffs

It was a video on her phone" say hello Dakota," a familiar voice said and it was Dakota, eyes barely opened, she looked wet, and tired. "I got your girl," he says showing his face it was Xavier "she has my baby in her and we are moving far away. She started to cough in the background. "You come after us, I'll kill the both of them." And the video shuts off

"Oh my god," Taylor gasps

"I'm so sick of that guy! I knew he was trouble!" I say as anger boiled in me

I grab my keys and start to walk off "where you going?" Dashari asked

"To find your sister,"

In the video I've seen that place before but to be sure I'm taking her phone to the police to track it or something.

"I want to go." She grabs her jacket

"No," I walk away

"I'm not your child. I'm a grown ass woman and I'm going." She huffs out and that made her look like Dakota even more

"Do you know what Aubrey would do if something happens to you."

"You worry too much." She smiles and pats me on the back "have you forgotten I'm in the military."

"Good point." Taylor says from the back

"Fine." I grunt

I really don't know what to think about dashari coming, but Taylor is right she has a good point.

After the police station confirmed (well not entirely) that it was the site, I went there. It was empty, not even a foot step in the dirt.

"Where are they?" She says

Seconds later her phone rings and she answers it,


"You fucker! Give me back my sister!" She hollers I run to her

"Don't hurt her please," she said crying

"I told you not to follow me." He says

"You give me back my wife." I say and you can hear the worry in my voice

"She's mine,always has been and always will be."

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