20:echoes of silence

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**That smile**

"Are you ok?" He asked for the millionth time since I woke up

I nod

Nobody knew what happened but us and I don't plan to let anybody find out especially my dad is stress enough.

"Do you need anything?"

"I'm craving subway cookies." I smile

"Subway it is."

We drive to subway and order food and sit in, as I sat I bend the wrong way and I wince making a loud hiss sound.

The weeknd was by my side holding me as I try to sit again the right way.

And he sits back on the other side of the table.

I smile at him and he just looks away. I sigh out I don't like it when he's over protective, hiding his feelings, self. I like him when he makes me laugh,when we sing together,and things.

I bite my sandwhich "Dakota don't be mad but at the same time I'm mad." He says

I have notice slight change in his behavior.

"I- never mind." He sipped his drink

"No tell me." Something is obviously wrong with him

"No." He says serious I frown at him

oh no sir we gone try this again you are not gone have an attitude at me for no reason.

"Weeknd just tell me I-"

"Who's Xavier?" He blurted out interrupting me and my breath caught in my throat

"What," I whisper

That was the last person I wanted him to know I can't believe it! How did he even know about him? I erased everything, he was gone for about half a year now. I'm not going to lie I missed him.

"You heard me." He looked directly in my eyes I had to look away "Who. Is. Xavier?"

"Nobody." I shrug like nothing

"He doesn't seem like nothing, how your facial expression looked a few seconds ago."

"Weeknd please not now can we just have a drama free day."

"Drama? I just want to clear this up."

"There's nothing to clear up." I picked up his teeth gritting habits

"Ok Dakota just drop it. This is why I didn't want to bring it up cause I knew you weren't going to answer m-"

"I used to strip." I blurted out interrupting him this time

He just looked at me. Blank expression a hint of a frown, then it slowly turned to amusement.

I looked away and ate some chips. I wasn't even hungry any more which is new for me. I love food!

"Dakota," I look down "Dakota look at me." I don't he comes over the table and raise my chin up to look at him

"You bite your lip?" He asks grinning

I don't understand he's not phased by it. I thought he would cuss me out, call me a whore, and leave me...forever.

I let go of my lip and shake my head no, biting my lip then noticing,letting it go again.

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