42:Belong to the world

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Your author got ios 10!!!!!!!!!!

Dakotas Pov

"He's so cute." I cooed

I was holding Dallas, Taylor came by to see me and he was with her.

"Can't wait to hold yours."

I cringe, still having some people know about my pregnancy... was...well ...it felt weird.

"yea..." I say not taking  my eyes of Dallas sucking on his hand

"Abel know?"

"NO." I snap "not yet."

"When do you plan on telling him, you'll show."

"Haven't showed yet." I shrug "Some girls don't, I might be one of them." I say rocking Dallas

"Dakota," Dashari came in  Frantically "Abel's here he's mad-"

"Dakota!" he came in behind her stalking towards me

I remained calm like always at first unless the situation progresses for me to get mad.

"Yes,' I smile handing Taylor her baby

"Will You excuse us." he gritted at Taylor she nodded and left

He turned to me "What is this?" he showed me his phone with me and Xavier having sex

"Oh my" I stood up "How did you get this-" I took his phone flipping through the pictures

"Paparazzi is everywhere, Dakota you should of been careful." He gritted

"i'm sorry." I said letting the phone fall on the floor "I didn't-"

"I thought you loved me," he whispered " I thought we finally moved on...and can begin again."

"Abel I do, You broke my heart-"

" And this is payback!" He yelled


"If you loved me you wouldn't have done it!"

"I'm sorry." I say tears streaking down my face

"No I am," he began to leave

"Please don't leave." I grab his arm

"Why, you don't want me! You want Xavier! The Raper!"

"Don't say that." my voice rising " he was there for me when you pushed me on my ass and left me in the dirt of a barn at a party full of people I didn't know."

"I was wrong and I tried to get back with you. I explained myself and you just ignored me."

"Get out!" I point to my door

"You always do that when you feel the situation gets out of control, you run away from it!"

"Because you keep saying I want Xavier and I don't, I want you!"

He stared at me

"I don't know why I did what I did, but well I did. Just know that I'm sorry I never meant to hurt you." He says

I ran to him and crashed my lips against his, I wrap my body against his trying to mold each other into one.

It felt like hours how long we made out together, when I pulled apart I was breathless as if I ran a marathon nonstop.

My heart was beating fast and that made me smile, his eyes softened to something caring.

"I don't want this to happen anymore."

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