18:king of the fall

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*I love his smile*

One week later

Another sleepless night and I had my finals. In 4 days was my graduation. Since the weeknd is famous and has things to do, he was gone the day after and has me under strict watch. I have 3 body guards one for morning,afternoon,and night

I can't go nowhere but to school and back without permission I know it's for protection but I can handle myself. I mean I am kinda scared but I won't let that get to me, I can kick ass.

Ring ring my phone rings

I answer my phone


"What's your favorite scary movie ?" Dashari jokes

"Thats not funny,Dashari." I smile

"Well I'm just calling to check on you." She says

Dashari went back over seas two days ago and I have to admit it's boring without her here, but Taylor keeps me company.

"I'm fine with macho Bryan." I say looking at my body guard,Bryan

"That's good, how's mom?"

"Actually she getting better the chemo is working." I smile

"That's great to hear, I miss y'all so much."

"Miss you too and love you."

"Love you,salute."

"Salute." I smile and roll my eyes and we hang up

That's always been our little military family thing, my dad and us came up with.

After school me and Taylor carpooled to my house with Bryan chauffeuring.

"I need to go to the mall." Taylor says

And I noticed I need to go too,with me and her graduating we should get our hair and nails did.

I nod "Bryan can we go to the mall?" He just grunted "pleeeeeeeeeaaaassseeee..." I say pinching his cheek

"I should run it by mr.tesfaye." He grumbles

"Ugh my fucking gawd." I say falling back in my seat

He pulls out his phone and calls Abel,"sir Dakota wants to go to the mall."

Pause"I'm not sure sir."

I snatch the phone from His hand"Abel I demand to enjoy myself at the mall."

"Dakota there's too many people there." I can hear the sigh coming from him

"Abel! This is unfair my graduation is coming up and I need a little girl time."

"I'm aware of that." He sighs out again" fine."

"Weeknd I don't understan- wait what?"

"You can go." I can tell he's smiling

"thanks baby I miss you a lot." I smile

"I'll be back soon."

"In time for my graduation?"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." I smile " I got you something too."

"What is it?" I ask

"A surprise."

"I don't like surprises." I frown

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