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Dakotas POV

"I had a great time weeknd," I say as we were sitting on his private jet heading back home

"I'm glad you did," he kissed my hand that he was holding

I sigh out with a Samuel and look at my window, I felt him staring at me and turned to look at him.

"What?" I chuckle

"Your so goddamn beautiful," I whispers making me blush

I was just wearing my olive green dress with my gold gladiator sandals. I had on lipstick, eye liner, and a little of eyeshadow,not a lot of make up.

"Thank you," I say

"Would you like to go to a party?"

"Sure what kind and for who?" I sip my champagne

"It's just a get together by one of my old friends."

""Really," I almost choked on my drink, eyes wide

"Yes, is there a problem?" He laughs

"I'm meeting someone other than drake." I smile big

I couldn't believe he wants to introduced me to his friends! That's a big step, even though he already met my parents I always thought of meeting his. But meeting someone from his past is just as good.

"Am I meeting your family?" This time he had the look of surprise

He didn't answer just stared in space and I waited for him to answer me when the pilot made an announcement that we were landing.

"Abel." I say and he snaps out of it

"You don't have to worry about it."

"Yea," he lets go of my hand and puts it on the arm rest and holds his head as the plane descended

"You ok?"

He nodded, but I can tell he wasn't. His whole mood changed from in love to in his feelings in 2.3 seconds. He gave me the cold shoulder the rest of the day and went to his condo as I stayed at home.

Dashari was supposed to be coming home tomorrow and I wanted to wait for her. I unpacked my clothes and put them in the washing machine and fixed me something to eat.

I put it on t.v and e! news was on. The only reason I kept it on because they were talking about Abel.

"Today Abel Tesfaye aka the weeknd came back from his get away trip to Paris with who we believe to be his girl friend. If you all remember her from the murder of 26 year old Chris johns some weeks back by 25 year old Dakota King.We have suspicion that the murder was not defensive and she will be in go to court. His family is wanting justice for bothe Eli and Chris who are cousins. Will Abel pay to keep her out of jail? Even if she was lying? More on the story as it continues,"

"What the hell!" I stand up and dial abel's number


"Is this a bad time?"

"Never what's wrong?"

"Have you seen the news? Chris's family is sending me to court!"

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