32: lonely star

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Dakotas POV

"Chug,chug,chug,!" The crowd shouted up at Me as i drunk a whole 3rd bottle of hypnotic by myself

I sip the last drop and pull the bottle away from my lips making a pop! Sound and the crowd goes crazy and I raise the bottle up as a trophy. I burp and clumsily get off the bar and sit on the stool.

"I-I want aaaaaaaaaaanother one." I slurred feeling giggly and giddy

"Are you sure I think you had enough." The bartender behind the bar said

"You not-you not my daddy you, don't pay none of my bills sooooooooooo shut up." I say putting my finger on his lip

"No you can't have anymore." He says

"I'll show you my-" I hiccup "my boobs." I whisper on his cheek

"Let go." He takes my hands of his shirt

"Alright sister that's enough." My twin takes me down and walks me to the door.

"No!" I pull away and point at her "you're...enough!" I put my hands on my hips

"All you do is swap spit with that jack ass of a rapper and when I need you," I didn't realize I was crying " you're not there." She comes to hug me "no!" I back up "don't feel sorry now." I clean my cheeks

"Dakota where's Abel he's suppose to be-"

"That fucker I hope he gets diabetes." I cross my arms "he left me probably for that skank ass bitch Victoria." Tears fell again

"Ohh sissie." She tried to come back and hug me again

"No! Fuck you! I'm-im outta here. I can't take this shit anymore! And I'm never coming back!" I say turning to leave

"Where are you going?"

"I don't know maybe space, or to never land I haven't decide yet."

"Well if I didn't want to look where would I search?" She asks

"Uhhhhhh..." I was confused "don't look at the park." I turn to leave




I was watching from the back,her guzzle down the blue liquor. She so crazy has she forgotten what happen last time she got drunk. She worries me so much I'm scared what might happen to her.

"Abel man do you see this?" My friends Gabe says passing me a joint

"Yea dumb hoe." I say taking a long puff

"She pretty though I would love to tap that." I cringe at his words

"Isn't that your girl?" Charlie asks as I pass him the joint

"Not anymore." I murmur

"Dang you must be crazy letting her go." Gabe says taking the blunt from Charlie

"Speaking of girls," I turn to Charlie "who you with now?"

"This girl name Taylor." He blows out smoke

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