17:drinks on us

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"We're here for Abel Tesfaye." The big one asked they were both black the one talking had an accent

"Uh..." I was confused they come to my house asking for someone that doesn't live here.how would they know he was here?"ok?"

I turn and scream "weeknd!" He comes down the steps

"I like it when you scream my name but we aren't in b-" he stops when he sees the officers

"Nick, what's wrong?" He says standing by me

He knew him-this was the officer that helped us. I feel stupid for worrying now.

"I came to tell you something." He sounded Australian

But he looks at me like he can't say it in front of me.

"Anything you have to tell me you can tell her." The weeknd says wrapping his arm around my waist

He grunts "we found out the dudes name was Chris Johns aka cj.he was accused of rape before, attempted murder, and in a armed robbery."

"You sure know how to pick 'em." Abel whispers

What? I look at him,what's that suppose to mean?

"Ok and" he tells Nick to continue

"He was in a gang. Those ones where if you hurt one you hurt all."

"They don't know anything?" The weeknd asks

He shrugs "I heard they have a inside cop too."

"Shit," he hisses "they'll come after her."

"Dakota,Kota!" Dashari runs up to me grabbing my arm "you have to come see this." Dragging me off

We are in front of the t.v and E news is on and on the screen me and Dashari kissing.

"The woman seen with Abel aka the weeknd a month ago walking into his condo was saw kissing a look a like in a bar , with a whole bunch of men surrounding them as the danced." It was video taken by somebody phone- "Story is the men she was with was killed by her."- they zoom in on Chris- "we did some digging and her name is Dakota King."

Everyone looks at me,except Dashari she's looking down, I feel staring behind me and I turn to see Abel death staring me.



"So this is what happened before? You were basically tempting him!" His voice slowly raising

"I told you what happened." Mine rising

"You were drinking, you left out that detail, you know what this does to my reputation! I'm a laughing stock you two are acting like teens!" He yells

"Don't bring my sister in it, I was suppose to have a few that's all."

"No wonder he was going to rape you!"

I gasp did he really just say that "I was-you fucking jerk! How could you say some shit like that get the fuck out!" I ran passed him and up the stairs to my room closed lock the door and say against it and cried

For what? The man I loved saying that I wanted to be rape?For the events that happened in a day?

A lot can happen In a day I remember somebody telling me

That somebody who meant a lot to me was gone,everyone was leaving me, getting angry at me, It's my fault.


When she slammed the door, it was quiet Nick and the other guy was standing at the door,the tv only talking.

It was awkward,

"I'll call you later." Nick said leaving, closing the door

"You shouldn't have yelled,she sensitive," Dashari says

"You know she didn't mean for all this to happen," Taylor says

Why did I yell at her, I was stress I need sleep. I want to lay next to her.I need her.she comforts me and I messed that up.

"I'm sorry," I say to them "I'll talk to her I can't leave knowing I've upset her. I Got to fix this." I say the last part to Taylor

I walk up the seps and go to her door I go tonopen it but it's lock. I rattle it then knock-"Dakota open the door."- I knock some more and put my ear against the door and hear sniffling

Oh shit she's crying

I bang I have to go in I need too.

"Please Dakota I'm sorry for saying that! I'm just- I don't know." I say defeated

I've never been the type to say my feelings, express them. I sigh and just lay against her door, "I'm sorry Dakota I really I am. Can I just explain myself to you?"


"Talk to me baby
Tell me what you're feeling
You say you don't need to go
Don't you pretend you didn't know
How all of this would end up
Girl I saw it in your eyes
And baby I can read your mind
And expectations were not in sight." I sing acoustic

"Go away!" She says from the other side

"Cause we both wanted to do this but I could tell that you were scared
Cause you thought there was more to us but you knew how this would end
It's gonna end how you expected girl you're such a masochist and I ask why
And you reply... I like the thrill
Nothing's gonna make me feel this real
So baby don't go home
I don't wanna spend tonight alone." I sing more loudly

I know she can't help it when I sing to her, she loves it and I've figured that out.

I hear a click sound and the door slowly opens I get up and look at her.

"Baby please
Would you end your night with me
Don't you leave me all behind
Don't you leave my little life." She sings to me

I kiss her all passionate like.I kissed her like my life depended on it because it did.if I lose her I lose everything. She completes me entirely and I want her to know that we can get through everything together.

She pulls away breathless,"I'm sorry Dakota so so sorry I didn't mean what I said honestly." I kiss her neck and nuzzle

Her hand is in my head "I'm sorry too weekend there was some truth and I'll never drink again." She whispers

I grab her hand and walk to her bed, I lay down and take off my shirt, and she lays right beside me. I wrap my arms tightly around her.

"Are you still mad at me?" We ask at the same time.

After a short pause we say "no" at the same time we kiss and I lay my head between her breast and she runs her hands through my hair


Gonna end it here short and sweet 💁🏽

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