23: in the night

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" I love it oh thank you so much, Abel." I place small kisses on his cheek

We were out shopping and he bought me a bunch of stuff.

"Stop thanking me baby you deserve it all." He holds my hand as we walk down the plaza

I squee as I see a store that smells really good.I run into it and to see bake goods everywhere, a bakery.

"Bonjour," the woman behind the shelf of sweets says

"Bonjour," I smile

I bend down to get a better view of the treats and see éclairs!

"I want a couple of those and some of those." I point at macadamia nut cookies.

As I look for more treats I feel hands on my butt and turn to see Abel.

"How you gone leave me, baby." He smiles

I giggle "this smelled so good" I point at the woman fixing my treats

"Are you gonna share?" He wraps his arms around my waist

"Sike" I smile "better get your own."

I hear him chuckle in my ear

We pay for the treats and sit at a table outside with a little umbrella over it.

As we share them, we talk it's nice.

I laugh at his joke

"Dakota there's something I want to ask you," he says

"Ok" I say with a mouthful of cookie

"Would you like to come on tour with me?" He looks up at me with hopeful eyes

What! Go with him? On tour? I mean that's great but I have to start working now that I'm out of school.

"I don't know weeknd." I sigh out

"Please I feel like I can protect you better and we can be together."

"Protect me?" I smile

He sounds like a strict dad

"Yea..." He continues to ramble

I don't stop him just listening with a smile on my face. It's like he planned everything already and he was excited. I didn't want to bring him down with my answer.

"...and it'll only be about a year." He ends

"A year? you want me to be away from family and work for a year!" My smile is replaced by a frown

"I got that covered you can work after we come back and I'll take care of you. As for family you can visit whenever you want." He smiles

"I need time to think about this." I say swirling My drink with my straw

"I can understand that, look at me Dakota." He says and I do

He sighs out "I love you." I smile and look into his dark orbs

"I love you too." I lean across the table and kiss his lips

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