25:all things go

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My favorite song check it out!


I stretch beside me and feel nothing I quickly sit up and see that Dakota isn't there. I put on some sweatpants and go look in the bathroom.

She wasn't there

"Dakota!" I yell walking to the kitchen and she wasn't there or the sitting area

I grab my phone and call her she doesn't answer.

"Shit!" I whisper yell

Maybe she'll be back, I'll take a shower to pass time.


When I got out I went straight to the bedroom to see if she was there, and she wasn't I check my phone for a call, nothing.

I was starting to worry. Where could she be? I hope nothing happened to her. I sit on the bed and started to blow her phone up.

I then called Taylor to see if she got a call from her.

"Hello," Taylor answered

"Hey have you heard from Dakota?"

It was quiet for a minute

"No..." She dragged it out

"Really? Because she's not answering her phone and I'm worried." I say pinching my nose in frustration

"Abel," she starts "I have to go." she hung up quickly

She knew something, had to! I called her again she didn't answer. I started to pace around the room.

I'm going to go look for her. I put on my white shirt black leather jacket scarf and pants and went on my way.

I went to cafes',by shopping stores, tourist sights and she wasn't there. She didn't take my limo she had to walk. That worried me even more, I was sitting in the back of my limo and looked for her through the window.

We drove slow as I looked closely for her hair, her appearance, anything. My phone started to vibrate in my hand and I didn't take a second look before I answered.


"I'm sorry," her voice ringed in my ear

I sigh relieved


I was crying, I've been here for 3 hours. Beside the Eiffel Tower on the bench.  As you can see I don't sleep for real and I couldn't especially after what happened last night.

  As you can see I don't sleep for real and I couldn't especially after what happened last night

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