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"You did what!" Taylor yells in the college library

"Shhh..." a girl at a table across from us says
"I'm sorry." Taylor says

"Please," I roll my eyes

" You didn't kiss just once but kissed multiple times! With THE WEEKND! And you run away!"

"Shhhh..." the girl says again Taylor rolls her eyes

"I mean well I was over whelmed." I say flipping a page in my book

"And you smoked!"

"Sssssshhhhh." The girl says louder

"Suck my ass." Taylor says

The girl mumbles while packing her stuff up and walking away,

"I bet you won't hit!" Taylor yells after her

I pull her back down to her seat.

"Chillax." I say chuckling

"I'm just flabbergasted!" She says her hand on her chest

"I rue the day you found that word." I mumble

"OK so what happen next?" She says clearly interested in my Sunday night with Abel

"Well Drake drove us to a hotel..." I smile remembering the night

"Did y'all Fuck?" Taylor wiggle her eyebrows

I scoff "It's a little early."I say

"So you plan to?" She says like she just solved a mystery

"No I mean I don't know!" I whisper yell "Do you want to know what happen or not?"

"Proceed." Taylor drinks her coffee

~flashback ~

"I'm sor-"

"If you say 'I'm sorry' I'm gonna snap." He stops me

"Ugh I'm so confused." I put my hands on my head

"Don't be," he lifts my head up "look at me Dakota."

I do.

"Do you want to know why people looked at us in awe,"

"Because you kissed a fan in public and ruined your career." I suggest

"No bc I never kissed anyone in public."

I stare at him



"But why me? I'm just an ordinary person." I say

"You're lips were just teasing me and I had to just..." and he kisses me again but slowly 

"I get out of school at 4." I say when he pulls away and he chuckles

"I know a place where we can have dinner."

"Are you sure this is what you want? To be with a..." I search for a word that describes a normal girl

"Witty and insanely gorgeous woman." He finishes my sentence

I scoff

"You don't believe me?"

"I wouldn't say insanely gorgeous." I roll my eyes

Suddenly I yawn

He chuckles "Tired sleeping beauty?" I nod my eyes getting a little heavy

He takes my shoes off and takes his jacket and shoes off, flips back the cover to the bed.

I lay in the spot and he puts the cover over me and lays beside me.

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