43: Dark Times

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Xavier's POV
"Talk about what?" I pick up tommy

"I shouldn't have done what I did." She started off I knew where this was leading to "I'm sorry but me and The Weeknd are back together I shouldn't have led you on..." she rubbed her arm and bit her lip

I smirked in the inside she's a fucking liar I would fuck her then and there if I wanted. She don't know how powerful I really am and the punch Abel gave me before, he got his.

That 'car accident' wasn't an accident, I set it up. I didn't know that Dakota was gonna be in there.
She looked at everywhere but at me and I couldn't help but chuckle. I cover it up quickly and I wipe my forehead and I see my goons come from the bushes thinking it was the signal and circle my finger to indicate 'not now'.

"Really you think he wants you."


"I know Dakota,"

"Know what," the color drains from her face

"You're pregnant with my baby." I smirk

I found out from one of my plugs from the hospital. And what was she gonna do run away with it? Let that fucker raise it and lie and say it's his? I snicker hell no.

"No," she shakes her head

"Dakota does he know?"

"Shut up!" She yells and Abel comes up beside her and he whispers

"Leave for I fuck you up again."

I wipe my forehead and my goons come out and Abel sees them coming close.

"Uncle..." tommy moves in my arms

"I have to go." I say circling my finger "watch yourself."I say walking away

Me and my goons meet up at the car,

"Everything straight boss?" Quinn asks as I put tommy in his car seat

"Don't let her out your sight." I shut the truck door "she has my baby in her."

Dakotas POV

"He threatened y'all?" Taylor asks

"Yea," I sip on my pumpkin latte

"That fucker I thought he was the one."

"Really." I cock a brow

"You're right I was totally team Abel." She flips her hair "oh look what Dallas can do." He was sitting in his car seat in the booster seat

We was eating at McDonalds well Taylor was while I just ordered a pumpkin latte.

She turned to him and she put her finger in his hand and he balled it in his hand "now watch," she smiles"Dallas,"

He rose his hand up and balled it up

"Oh that's cute," I smile

"Isn't it."

"How old is he?"

"3 months in a few days." She eats some fries

"He'll be a heartbreaker." I say tickling his belly "he thinks the baby is his." I say as Dallas took my finger

She laughs "no way." She eats her burger "he's crazy like Eli."

"You think?"

Maybe him and Eli did knew each other, while I was freaking out I heard v say "watch your back." To the weekend

"The Weeknd and I are going out of town for a while."


I shrug "I'll keep in touch and check on my god baby,"

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