41:Live for

84 2 1

Dakotas POV

"Everything seems alright all your medicine has been sent. If you have anymore problems or questions be sure to come back." The doctor says to me as I sit in my wheel chair

I nod

"Thank you doctor." My sister says pushing me out

We were already out the doors before she stopped "oh I almost forgot!" She ran back in "stay right there." She yelled behind her

I sat there as I watch people walk in and out the hospital, I was beside the bench. An old man was sitting there.

"Hi." He said

"Hello." I say coldly not in the mood

"You alright.?" He says gruffly


No need to bother this man with my problems who probably doesn't care.

"Are you sure?" He lights a match lighting his cigarette and points to my wheelchair

"Yes, I'm sure. A little headache that's all."

"Oh good." He nods taking a puff "need anything?" He stares to the other side of the parking lot

I don't even know him.

"No don't be so helpful." I fold my arms in my lap

"You are upset?" He had accent I just noticed

"Oh," I shrug

I'm tired of talking I just wanted to go home

"ok,ok, I thought you might want to talk." He says taking another puff

"About?" I snap slightly

"Anything." He shrugs puffing again

"I'm going away." I said

"What do you mean?" He furrowed his brow

"Not far don't get excited."I said

I knew this man didn't want to talk and I didn't want him to think I was gonna do anything crazy.

"When?" He says throwing his cigarette on the ground and putting it out with his foot

"Now," I see my sister coming up and she pushes me away


"I'm fine." I whine as my sister came in for the 100th time asking if I was ok

"Just making sure..." She's sitting on my bed one leg on one leg off

"Thank you."

"Dakota? Do you not trust me no more?" She says tracing the stitching on my cover, nervously

"Why do you ask-oh." I say remembering the doctor telling her about my secret pregnancy

I look at my tv that had law and order svu on.

"I just..." I tried to think "it doesn't feel real."

"You scared?"

I shake my head no. The truth was that I wasn't I really was happy...I've become of age where children is important to me.

Soft knocks were on my door and it creeped open to show Xavier.

"Hey babe," he says hands in his pockets "and Dashari." He nods

"Hey xav." She smirked "I'll give you two alone time." She said leaving closing the door behind her

He stood there eyeing me down and I just stared back.

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