13: love me harder

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2 weeks later

Me and the weekend are still together, after our little mishap we looked past it,I just hope that doesn't happen again. I went back to school I'm actually in class now.

"Miss King?"

"Huh?" I look around to see people staring at me and the teacher "Wanna explain 3 ways you could use antibiotics on a major injury?"

"Uh," I really wasn't paying attention and of course it was a trick question and I knew the answer "by-"

The bell rings

Saved by the Bell

" Don't forget your paper on the top 5 vets in america, and miss King I would like to see you." The teacher Mr.Oakley said

I walk down the steps from our seats to his little office I walk in,

"Please close the door behind you." He says and I do

I sit in his leather chair and sit my bag on the ground

" Are you ok?" He asks

I look down at my hands, actually I'm not. The Weeknd left two days after that day. I miss him, and it's boring without him. We talk on the phone sometimes but not for long.

"Yes I'm fine,is there a problem?" I ask back

" Well here's your last test." He sits it front of me

"An 89? That's good." I state

"Look what you doodled."

There were hearts with The Weeknd and my initials with some of his song lyrics on there.

"OK." I shrug

" Which leads us to your last assignment ." He sits it in front of me

"A 63!" I snatch the paper from him eyeing it

" The paper was on what animals in the night,due after the weekend, not Abel Tesfaye aka the Weeknd song In the Night."

"Fuck! " I throw the papers

"Look miss King you obviously need a break," He gets up and comes at me putting his hands on my arms "If you want to pass the class I can help you graduate early."

"Mr.-Mr.Oakley" I eye him down he wasn't nothing but a few years older then me

His hands travels to my shoulders and start to massage them.

"Mr.Oakley I think I should go." I say getting up to leave and rush out the door.

Once I shut the classroom door I lean against it and take a deep breath while running a hand through my hair. When I gather myself up I walk to my car when I see someone up against it.

"Hey! What are you doing against my ca-" I say as I got closer and noticed it was Abel!

I ran up to him and his arms were open, he hugs me in a tight embrace as I lift my legs up and he spins me around,laughing.

I kiss his cheek and side of his face. Then we kiss for a long time til we ran out of breath.

"What are you doing here?" I say on his lips

"On break for a few days and thought I should come see you." He kisses my neck

"Weeknd." I say silently then remembered something and punch him in his arm

"Ouch," he says rubbing his arm "What was that for?" he smirks

"For not telling me you were coming!" And he grabs me and kisses my forehead

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