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She was yelling at me,Dashari.

"What the hell is going on! I walk outside after making a sandwhich and I'm snatched up by some random guy I fight but two other dudes hold me!"

"Can you be quiet please." I hiss

We were down stairs in the kitchen and Dakota was still asleep upstairs,I didn't want her to wake up and find out.

"I'll explain myself." I say sitting down

Without giving out too much information

"I made a deal with a guy and I'm paying him back." I state like nothing

"Why did he point a gun at me?"

"I guess he thought you were Dakota."

"Is he trying to kill her?!"

"No no no," I sigh out " he thinks I won't pay his money so he threatens anybody I have feelings for."

"Abel," she says running a hand through her hair kinda like Dakota,it was the first time I recognize she says my name "you got yourself in quite a mess,does she know?"

I shake my head no

"I'm gonna let you tell her, but don't let anyone harm her or I'll cut off your dick and feed it to you myself." She threatens

I nod but inside I'm smiling it's nothing to smile about I mean I believe her but not that she'll do that.

"I really love Dakota, Dashari I promise she's in good hands." I promise

She nods "well I need to go," she grabs her car keys "don't let this happen again." She warns before walking out


I quickly run up the stairs when I heard the car keys jingle. I hop into my bed cover up and back into position closing my eyes. I hear the front door close and footsteps come up the stairs.

I couldn't help but think about what I heard. I was asleep until I heard yelling coming out my window. I look to see some men, Dashari, and Abel.

I couldn't really see what was happening bc of this big ass tree in front of my second window. When they came in I heard everything they said.

I knew he was hiding something! And he lied to me! But I noticed he said he loved me,I'm so confused emotionally towards him.

He gets in the bed with me and I pretend his movements wake me.

"Did I wake you?"

I nod


"Where did you go?" I ask


He lied so easily to me, like he's done it so many times before. He has but... I'm done I'm ready to confess I don't want our relationship based off lying!

"Stop with the lies!" I say standing in my bed on my knees

"What?" He says

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